Wednesday, June 7, 2006



Session One (in Hebrew) - Room 206a

Doctoral Student Panel




Chair: Alina Bernstein (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Meital Zion (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
The Real within the Virtual and the Virtual within the Real: A Post-Kantian Reading of Solaris



Nir Kedem (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Donnie Darko: Being, Desire and a Schizophrenic Cinematic Machine



Sigalit Banai (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Arabic and Iranian Films in Hebrew: The Arabic Roots of Israeli Cinema



Omri Ruah-Midbar (Bar Ilan University, Israel)
The Vocal Cyborg in the World of Media: Music, Videos and the Cellular







Session Two - Room 206a Media and Selves




Chair: Nitzan Ben Shaul (Tel Aviv University, Israel)



Jerome Bourdon (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Authenticity as Performance: Reality Television - New Genre or New Sense of the Self?



Judd Ne'eman (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Body Count - Why It Counts



Boaz Hagin (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Celluloid as Belief: Interpassivity in Narratives of Post-Photographic Composites



Room 206a




Raanan Rein - Vice Rector, Tel Aviv University
Freddie Rokem - Dean, Faculty of the Arts,
Tel Aviv University
Dubi Rubinstein - Head of the Department of Film
and Television, Tel Aviv University Mihal Friedman, Colloquium Committee,
Tel Aviv University Nurith Gertz, The Open University; Head of the
Theory Studies Program, Tel Aviv University



Coffee Break




Session Three - Room 206a
Postmodernism and Cognition




Chair: Judd Ne'eman (Tel Aviv University, Israel)



Nitzan Ben Shaul (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Split Texts and the Problem of Attention



Philip Rosen (Brown University, USA)
A Temporal Turn? - Media Hybridity and Tropes of Cultural Critique



Orly Lubin (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
How Does the Visual Create Responsibility



Coffee Break




Keynote Speaker




Thomas Elsaesser (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Mindgame Films



Thursday, June 8, 2006



Session Four - Room 206a




Chair: Mihal Friedman (Tel Aviv University, Israel)



Raya Morag (Hebrew University, Israel)
Post-Trauma in Current Israeli Cinema



Anton Kaes (University of California, USA)
The Instability of the Real: Hallucination and Secondary Trauma in Robert Reinert's film
Nerves (1919)



Raz Yosef (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Restaging the Primal Scene of Loss: Melancholia and
Ethnicity in Israeli Cinema



Coffee Break




Session Five - Room 206a




Chair: Linda Dittmar (University of Massachusetts, USA)



Meir Wigoder (Sapir College, Israel)
The Story of the Head: The Suicide-Bomber, the Medusa and the Aesthetics of Horror in Photography



Gilad Padva (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Queer Body as Corporeal Allegory in Lynd's The Fairy Who Didn't Want to Be a Fairy Anymore



Odeya Kohen-Raz (Tel Aviv University, Israel) and Sandra Meiri (The Open University; Tel Aviv University, Israel) Spectatorship at the Crossroads: Between the Actor's Body and the Character







Session Six - Room 206a
Jewish and Israeli Identity




Chair: Ilan Avisar (Tel Aviv University, Israel)



Yael Munk (The Open University;Tel Aviv University, Israel)
The Post-Colonial Function of Television's Virtual Space in 90's Israeli Cinema



Michael Renov (University of Southern California, USA)
Family Secrets: Alan Berliner's Nobody's Business and the Jewish Autobiographical Film



Coffee Break




Session Seven - Room 206a
History, Reality and Temporality




Chair: Nurit Gertz (The Open University; Tel Aviv University, Israel)



Anat Zanger (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
What's Wrong with this Picture? - Postmodernist Cinema, Labyrinth and the Still Picture



Noa Steimatsky (Yale University, USA)
Sets into Life: The Case of Cinecitta Refugee Camp



Ilan Avisar (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Comedy and Atrocity: Reality and Generic Transformations in Holocaust Movies



Friday, June 9, 2006



The Third Ear (48 Hamelech George St. Tel Aviv)
Daniel Dayan (CNRS/Institut d'Etudes Politiques, France)
Pragmatics, Television, and Monstration




Round Table Discussion and Film Screening (Entrance by Invitation Only)



Colloquium Committee
Nitzan Ben Shaul, Nurith Gertz, Mihal Friedman, Judd Ne'eman



Colloquium Board
Ilan Avisar, Boaz Hagin, Raz Yosef, Anat Zanger



Colloquium Managers Anat Turisky, Eran Sagi



Thanks are due to:
Freddie Rokem, Dubi Rubinstein, Shlomo Aronson, Ziva Ben-Porat, Niv Ahituv, Liviu Carmely, Alex Cormanski, Orna Erez, Rosie Harash, Zohara Holzblat, Dafna Lemish, Yehiel Limor, Cheli Menashe, Sandra Meiri, Yoram Perri, Gal Raz, Guy Raz, Naomi Yonna, Inbar Shaham
Special thanks to:
Navot Papushado for the image from his film new born