The Open University of Israel
Prof. Shlomo Shoval

Prof. Shlomo Shoval

Department of Natural Sciences

Updated: March 1 2012



Tel: 972-9-778-1778

Fax: 972-9-778-0661


Born: Petah Tiqva, Israel, April 4, 1948

Military service: 1966-1969

Employing: 1976 -present, The Open University of Israel, Department of Natural Sciences, Geology Group.



1970-1973 B.Sc., Geology, Ben-Gurion University, Be’er Sheva.
1974-1976 M.Sc., Geology (with distinction), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Thesis: Organo-Clay Complexes
Supervisor: Prof. S. Yariv
1984-1988 Ph.D., The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Dissertation: Solid Solutions and Double Salts
Supervisor: Prof. S. Yariv
1988-1990 Postdoctoral Research, The Geological Survey of Israel, Jerusalem.
: The Clay Minerals of Mount Sedom and the Dead Sea, with Dr. Y. Nathan

Academic Positions

2002 -present Associate Professor, The Open University, Dept. of Natural Sciences, Geology Group
1992-2002 Senior Lecturer, The Open University of Israel
1989-1992 Lecturer, The Open University of Israel
1976-1989 Course coordinator, tutor and course writer, The Open University of Israel, Dept. of Natural Sciences, Geology Group
1974-1976 Assistant, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Dept. of Geology
1972-1973 Research Assistant, Ben-Gurion University, Be’er Sheva, Dept. of Geology

Fields of Research


Professional Experience (outside Israel)

July-Aug. 1990 The geology of the Greek Cyclades islands (14-day field trip), with the Institute of Earth Sciences – Geology studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Aug.-Sept. 1990 The geology of Turkey (23-day field trip), organized by the Geological Society of Israel
Aug.-Sept. 1992 Visiting scientist, The British Geological Survey, Nottingham; Archeometery Laboratories, Oxford; Spectroscopic Laboratories, Sussex University, Brighton, UK
Dec. 1993 The geology of Alps in France and the Perinea in Spain and Andora
Jan. 1994,
June-July 1994,
Sept.-Oct. 1994
Research scientist in the LPCML, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France
Jan.-Feb. 1995,
Sept.-Oct. 1995
Research scientist in the LPCML, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France
Dec. 1996-Jan. 1997 Research scientist, CANMET, Fuel Processing Laboratory; Energy, Mines and Resources, Devon, Canada
June-July 1997 The geology of Western US and Canada: the Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Yellowstone and the Rocky Mountains (18-day field trip)
Sept.-Oct. 1998 Research scientist, CANMET, Fuel Processing Laboratory; Energy, Mines and Resources, Devon, Canada
Oct. 1998 The Rocky Mountains in Canada: Sulfur Mountain and the Colombia Ice Field (7-day field trip)
Feb.-March 1999, Dec. 1999 Research scientist, LPCML, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France
Sept. 1999 The geology of Cyprus: the Troodos Ophiolite (5-day field trip)
Sept.-Oct. 2000 Research scientist, LPCML, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France
Sept. 2001 Visiting scientist, CICA, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Spain
Oct. 2001 The geology of Switzerland the Alps: Mt. Pilatus and Lake Lucerne (7-day field trip)
Dec. 2002 Research scientist, LPCML, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France
July 2003 Geological excursion in Crete (11-day field trip), with the Dept. of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Ben-Gurion University, Be’er Sheva; The volcanic island of Santorini (3-day field trip)
Aug.-Sept. 2004 The Vesuvius volcano and the island of Sardinia (7-day field trip)
July 2005 The Meteora Cliff and the Chalikidiki Peninsula (2-day field trip)
July 2007 The clay deposits of Portugal (2-day field trip)
Oct. 2007 The volcanism of the Liparic Islands and of Sicily: the volcanic mountains - Vulcano, Stromboli, Salina and Etna (12-day field trip)
Dec. 2010 Research Scientist, LPCML, Université Claude Bernard,Lyon, France
May 2010 The geology of the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus (5-day field trip), Organized by The Geological Society of Israel

Administrative Activities

1984-1986 Member, National Committee for High School Geological Studies, adviser to the Ministry of Education and Culture
1996-2001 Member, Academic Committee, the Open University
1987-2005 Operating the Spectroscopy Laboratory and the FT-IR spectrometer of the Open University for students’ experiments and staff research
1991-2005 Member, Scholarship Committee, the Open University.
2003-2005 Coordinator, Open University seminar: “The Mid-Monday Forum”
2001-2008 Member, Students’ Court of Appeals Committee, the Open University
2008 Taking part in a course of management organized by The Open University for the senior staff
2006-2009 Head, Natural and Life Sciences Subcommittee, The Open University
1989 - present Member, Natural and Life Sciences Subcommittee, The Open University
1989 - present Head, Geology Group, the Open University - Responsibility for courses in geology and staff of the geology group
1989 - present Member, Faculty Council, the Open University
1991 - present Academic adviser for students, the Open University
2002 - present Member, Academic Committee, the Open University
2005 - present Member, Committee for Accreditation of Prior Studies, the Open University
2009 - present Member, Committee for MSc studies in the department of Natural Sciences, the Open University
2012 - present Member, Committee for MSc studies in the department of Natural Sciences, the Open University

Roles in Professional Organizations

1985-1988 Secretary, Ninth Congress of The International Confederation for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ICTAC) (Jerusalem, Israel, August 21-25, 1988)
1989-1991 Secretary, Israel Society for Clay Research
1990 Chairman, Organizing Committee, Annual Meeting of the Israel Group for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (The Open University, May 15, 1990)
1990 Member, Organizing Committee, Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Clay Research (Jerusalem, October 18, 1990)
1991 Member, Organizing Committee, Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Clay Research (Mizpe Ramon, October 8-9, 1991)
1995 Chairman, Organizing Committee, Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Clay Research (The Open University, October 25, 1995)
1998 Member, Organizing Committee, Joint Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Clay Research and the Israel Group for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (Rehovot, February 24, 1998)
1994-2000 President, Israel Society for Clay Research
2000 Member, Organizing Committee, Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Clay Research (Ma’alot, April 4, 2000)
1992-2001 Affiliate Councilor of Israel, The International Confederation for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ICTAC)
2000-2001 Member, Organizing Committee, The 5th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis (MEDICTA 2001) (Santiago de Campostela, Spain, September 11-14, 2001)
2001-2002 Member, Organizing Committee, 3rd Mediterranean Clay Meeting, Jerusalem, Israel (Jerusalem September 30-October 3, 2002)
2006-2007 Member, Scientific Committee, The 8th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis (MEDICTA 2007) (Palermo, Italy, September 25-29, 2007)
2006-2007 Organized workshop on “Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry in Geosciences and Mineralogy” (Chairs: Shmuel Yariv and Shlomo Shoval), The 8th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis (MEDICTA 2007) (Palermo, Italy, September 25-29, 2007)
2001 - present National representative of Israel, International Mineralogical Association (IMA)

Membership in Professional Societies


Scholarships and Awards

1989-1990 Scholarship from the Geological Survey of Israel, Research on “Dead Sea and Mount Sedom clay minerals,” Geological Survey of Israel
1993 Lyon Municipality Medal, given for scientific work in collaboration with Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France
2000 Invitation to be a member of the Israeli Ministry of Science & Sport delegation to the Hungarian-Israeli-Polish Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Matrahaza, Hungary (May, 14-16 2000). The Israeli Ministry of Science & Sport supported the invitation.

Research Studies

Research studies have been carried out at the geology and spectroscopy laboratory of The Open University of Israel (FT-IR spectroscopy, Thermo-Spectroscopy, Petrography by polarizing microscopy) and using the facilities of outside mineralogical laboratories (DTA, TG, DTG, XRD, SEM, TEM, chemical analysis, Micro-Raman, photoacoustic and luminescence spectroscopy): The chemistry laboratory of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, The Geochemistry laboratory of the Geological Survey of Israel, The Fuel Processing Laboratory, Natural Resources, CANMET, Devon, Canada and The spectroscopy laboratory, LPCML, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France


Sponsored Research

1989-1990 Dead Sea Works Grant: “Clays of Mount Sedom,” with Dr. Y. Nathan, Geological Survey of Israel
1989-1991 Israel Ministry of Energy Grant, the Earth Science Research Administration: “Clays in the Dead Sea,” with Dr. Y. Nathan, Geological Survey of Israel
1989-1992 Israel Science Foundation Grant, the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities: “Ancient Ceramics and Local Raw Materials,” in collaboration with Prof. P. Beck, Institute of Archaeology, Tel-Aviv University: $45,000
1993-1996 Rotem-Amfert-Negev Grant: “Structural Mineralogy of Israel Phosphates and its Influence on Technological Properties and on Beneficiation Process Efficiency,” with Dr. R. Knubovets, Dr. M. Gaft and in collaboration with Dr. Y. Nathan, Geological Survey of Israel: $75,000
1999 CNRS/INSU France (Geomateriaux Program) Grant: “The Thermal Transformations of Kaolinite Group Minerals,” with Prof. M. Boudeulle, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France
1999-2000 Belfer Foundation Grant: “The Chemistry and Mineralogy of Oil Shales,” with Dr. Y. Nathan: $10,000
1999-2000 The Open University of Israel Research Authority Fund: “New Suggestion for the Smectite Source in the Argillaceous Marine Sediments Deposited near the S-E Margin of the Tethys Ocean, Israel Area”: $8,000
1999-2002 The Open University of Israel Research Authority Grant: “Spectroscopy of Minerals (Laser-induced time-resolved luminescence of minerals),” with Dr. M. Gaft
2005-2006 The Open University of Israel Research Authority Fund: “Biblical ceramic technologies in the manufacturing of functional pottery”: $2,000
2005-2006 The Open University of Israel Research Authority Fund: “Spectroscopy Study of Thermally Treated Clay Minerals Using Curve-Fitting Technique”: $2,000
2006-2010 The Open University of Israel Research Authority Fund: “Patterns of Ceramic Manufacture”: $23,000
2008-2009 The Ministry of National Infrastructures grant: “Characteristics of the Clay Minerals in the Sediments of the Dead Sea Group in the Dead Sea Valley”: $8,000
2010-2011 The Ministry of National Infrastructures grant: “The influence of the lithology, mineralogy and chemical composition on the developed of the collapsed sinkholes along the Dead Sea coast - laboratory study of the petrology, mineralogy and chemistry of the collapsed sediments”: $8,000
2010-2011 The Open University of Israel's Research Fund (grant no. 31016): $15,000
2011 The Open University of Israel's Research Fund (grant no. 31016): $15,000

Referee for:


Doctoral Committees

2000-2006 Malka Epstein, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2005-2007 Zohar Yermiyahu, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Teaching Responsibility for Open University Courses

  1. Secrets of the Earth (20117): Course coordinator, author (Final eddition, 2006), scientific editor of the study guide (Hebrew version, 2007) and course coordinator (1998 - 1999)
  2. Introduction to Earth Sciences (06101): Author (Units 1-8, 1980; Chapter 18, 1994) and course coordinator (1978 - 1990)
  3. Microscopy of Minerals and Magmatic Rocks (20238): Course coordinator, author (Units 1-6, updated version, 2004) and course coordinator (1978 - 1991)
  4. Microscopy of Metamorphic and Sedimentary Rocks (20239): Course coordinator, Author (Units 1-3, updated version, 2007) and course coordinator (1978 - 1991)
  5. Geology of Israel (20211): Author (Units 1-5, updated version 2007; Units 6-9, updated version 2007) and course coordinator (1978 - 1993)
  6. Oceanography (20270): Author of course revision (in preparation), course coordinator (1978 - 1991).
  7. Geology of the Carmel (20321): Course coordinator (1993 - present)
  8. Geology: Its Applications and Teaching in Israel (20307): Course coordinator (1993 - present)
  9. Spectroscopy of Minerals (20548): Author (with M. Gaft and Y. Kirsh)

List of Publications

Thesis and Dissertation

Master's thesis Organo-Clay Complexes. Supervisor: Prof. S. Yariv
Doctoral dissertation Solid Solutions and Double Salts. Supervisor: Prof. S. Yariv
Postdoctoral topic The Clay Minerals of Mount Sedom and the Dead Sea. Research with Dr. Y. Nathan

Edited Books

  1. Shoval S., Guest Editor
    Special Issue, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 71 (3), 685-1033 (2003).
  2. Shoval S. and Nir S., Guest Editors
    Special Issue, Applied Clay Science, 24 (3-4), 127-342 (2004).

Chapters in Books

  1. Shoval S., Boudeulle M., Panczer G. and Yariv S.
    Raman Micro-Spectrometry and Infrared Spectroscopy Study of the Alteration Products of Trachyte Sills and Dykes in Makhtesh Ramon Area, Israel. In: G. Bar, & A. Heimann (Eds.), Physics and Chemistry of Dykes (pp. 325-337), Rotterdam: Balkema (1995).
  2. Shoval S., Yariv S., Boudeulle M. and Panczer G.
    Micro-Raman and FTIR Spectroscopic study of Jurassic pisolitic laterite and flint clay, Makhtesh Ramon, Israel. In: H. Kodama, A.R. Mermut, & J.K. Torrance (Eds.), Clays for our Future (pp. 623-630), ICC 1997, Ottawa, Canada (1999).
  3. Shoval S., Beck P. and Yadin E.
    The ceramic technology used in the manufacture of Iron Age pottery from Galilee. In: M. Maggetti and B. Messiga (Eds.). Geomaterials in Cultural Heritage (pp. 101-117), GSL Special Volume. The British Geological Society Publishing House (2006).

Articles in Refereed Journals

  1. Yariv S. and Shoval S.
    The Nature of the Interaction between Water Molecules and Kaolin-like Layers in Hydrated Halloysite. Note, Clays and Clay Minerals, 23 (1975) 473-474.
  2. Yariv S. and Shoval S., Infrared Study of the Interaction between Alkali-Halides and Hydrated Halloysite. Clays and Clay Minerals, 24 (1976) 253-261.
  3. Shoval S. and Yariv S., The Interaction between Roundup (Glyphosate) and Montmorillonite. Part I, Infrared Study of the Sorption of Glyphosate by Montmorillonite. Clays and Clay Minerals, 27 (1979) 19-28.
  4. Shoval S. and Yariv S., The Interaction between Roundup (Glyphosate) and Montmorillonite, Part II, Ion Exchange and Sorption of Iso-Propylammonium by Montmorillonite. Clays and Clay Minerals, 27 (1979) 29-38.
  5. Shoval S. and Yariv S., Infrared Study of the Fine Structure of Glyphosate and Roundup. Agrochimica, XXV (1981) 377-386.
  6. Yariv S. and Shoval S., The Effects of Thermal Treatment on the Associations between Fatty Acids and Montmorillonite. Israel Journal of Chemistry, 22 (1982) 259-265.
  7. Shoval S. and Yariv S., The Effect of Alkali-Chloride on the Thermal Hydrolysis of Hydrated Magnesium-Chloride. Thermochimica Acta, 92 (1985) 819-822.
  8. Yariv S. and Shoval S., Infrared Spectra of Sodium Salts in CsCl Disks. Applied Spectroscopy, 39 (1985) 599-604.
  9. Shoval S., Yariv S., Kirsh Y. and Peled H., The Effect of Alkali-Halides on Thermal Hydrolysis of Magnesium-Chloride and Magnesium Bromide. Thermochimica Acta, 109 (1986) 207-226.
  10. Kirsh Y., Yariv S. and Shoval S., Kinetic Analysis of Thermal Dehydration and Hydrolysis of MgCl2.6H2O by DTA and TG. Journal of Thermal Analysis, 32 (1987) 393-408.
  11. Kirsh Y., Shoval S. and Townsend P. D., Kinetics and Emission Spectra of Thermoluminescence in the Feldspars Albite and Microcline. Physics Status Solids (a), 101 (1987) 253-262.
  12. Yariv S. and Shoval S., Water-Solid Interactions in Thermal Analysis. Thermochimica Acta, 110 (1987) 513-519.
  13. Kirsh Y., Townsend P. D. and Shoval S., Local Transitions and Charge Transport in the Thermoluminescence of Calcite. Nuclear Tracks Radiation Measurements, 13 (1987) 115-119.
  14. Shoval S., Yariv S. and Kirsh Y., The Study of Thermal Dehydration and Hydrolysis of MgBr2.6H2O by DTA and TG. Thermochimica Acta, 133 (1988) 263-273.
  15. Shoval S., Mineralogical Changes upon Heating Calcitic and Dolomitic Marl Rocks. Thermochimica Acta, 135 (1988) 243-252.
  16. Kristianpoller N., Kirsh Y., Shoval S., Weiss D. and Chen R., Thermoluminescent Properties of Mica. Nuclear Tracks Radiation Measurements, 14 (1988) 101-104.
  17. Kirsh Y., Shoval S. and Yariv S., Activation Energies of Thermal Decomposition, Processes of MgBr2.6H2O. Thermochimica Acta, 148 (1989) 197-203.
  18. Shoval S., Erez Z., Kirsh Y., Deutsch Y., Kochavi M. and Yadin E., Determination of The Intensity of an Early-Iron-Age Conflagration at Tel-Hadar, Israel. Thermochimica Acta, 148 (1989) 485-492.
  19. Kirsh Y., Shoval S., Yariv S. and Kristianpoller N., Natural and Β-Induced Thermoluminescence in Microcline. Physics Status Solids (a), 113 (1989) 631-636.
  20. Erez Z., Kirsh Y., Deutsch Y. and Shoval S., “Appendix: The Conflagration at Tel Hadar,” in The Land of Geshur Project: Regional Archaeology of the Southern Golan (1987-1988 Seasons). Israel Exploration Journal, 39 (1989) 16-17.
  21. Kirsh Y., Kristianpoller N. and Shoval S., Kinetic Analysis of Natural and Beta-Induced TL in Albite. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 33 (1990) 63-66.
  22. Shoval S., Beck P., Kirsh Y., Levy D., Gaft M. and Yadin E., Rehydroxylation of Clay Minerals and Hydration in Ancient Pottery from the Land of Geshur. Journal of Thermal Analysis, 37 (1991) 1579-1592.
  23. Shoval S., Ginott Y. and Nathan Y., A New Method for Measuring the Crystallinity Index of Quartz by Infrared Spectroscopy, Mineralogical Magazine, 55 (1991) 579-582.
  24. Yariv S., Seifert H. S., Uebach J. and Shoval S., Phase Diagram of the Ternary System NaBr/CsBr/H2O Elucidated by Mechanochemical Equilibration. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 37 (1992) 219-223.
  25. Shoval S., Seifert H. S., Azoury R. and Yariv S., Phase Diagram of the Ternary System NaCl/CsCl/H2O Elucidated by Mechanochemical Equilibration. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 37 (1992) 224-228.
  26. Shoval S., The Burning Temperature of a Persian-Period pottery Kiln at Tel Michal, Israel, Estimated from its Wall Slag Composition. Journal of Thermal Analysis, 39 (1993) 1157-1168.
  27. Shoval S., Gaft M., Beck P. and Kirsh Y., The Thermal Behavior of Limestone and Monocrystalline Calcite Tempers during Firing and their Use in Ancient Vessels. Journal of Thermal Analysis, 40 (1993) 263-273.
  28. Nathan Y., Shoval S., Knubovets R., Gaft M., Rabinowitz, J., Pregerson B., Apfelbaum F. and Yariv S., Infrared Study of Apatites from the Negev Phosphorites. Current Research, Geological Survey of Israel, 9 (1994) 16-19.
  29. Nathan Y., Sandler A. and Shoval S., Clays of the Dead Sea. Current Research, Geological Survey of Israel, 9 (1994) 20-23.
  30. Shoval S., The Firing Temperature of a Persian-Period Pottery Kiln at Tel Michal, Israel, Estimated from the Composition of its Pottery. Journal of Thermal Analysis, 42 (1994) 175-185.
  31. Gaft M., Reisfeld R., Panczer G., Shoval S., Champagnon B., Garapon C., Boulon G. and Strek W., Luminescence of Eu(III), Pr(III) and Sm(III) in Carbonate-Fluor- Apatite. Acta Physica Polonica A, 90 (1996) 267-274.
  32. Ovadyahu D., Shoval S., Lapides I. and Yariv S., Thermo-IR-Spectroscopy Study of the Mechanochemical Absorption of 3,5-Dichlorophenol by TOT Swelling Clay Minerals. Thermochimica Acta, 282-283 (1996) 369-383.
  33. Gaft M., Shoval S., Panczer G., Nathan Y., Champagnon B. and Garapon C., Luminescence of Uranium and Rare-Earth Elements in Apatite of Fossil Fish Teeth. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 126 (1996) 187-193.
  34. Gaft M., Reisfeld R., Panczer G., Shoval S., Champagnon B. and Boulon G., Eu2+ Luminescence in High Symmetry Sites of Natural Apatite. Journal of Luminescence, 72-74 (1997) 572-574.
  35. Gaft M., Reisfeld R., Panczer G., Shoval S. and Champagnon B., Reabsorption Lines of Molecular Oxygen and Water in Natural Apatite. Optical Materials, 8 (1997) 143-148.
  36. Gaft M., Reisfeld R., Panczer G., Boulon G., Shoval S. and Champagnon B., Accommodation of Rare-Earths and Manganese by Apatite. Optical Materials, 8 (1997) 149-156.
  37. Shoval S., Champagnon B. and Panczer G., The Quartz-Cristobalite Transformation in Heated Chert Rock Composed of Micro- and Crypto-Quartz by Micro-Raman and FT-IR Spectroscopy Methods. Journal of Thermal Analysis, 50 (1997) 203-213.
  38. Knubovets R., Nathan Y., Shoval S. and Rabinowitz J., Thermal Transformations in Phosphorites. Journal of Thermal Analysis, 50 (1997) 229-239.
  39. Shoval S. and Yariv S., Formation of Carnallite Type Double Salts by Grinding Mixtures of Magnesium and Alkali Halides with the same Amions. Journal of Thermal Analysis, 51 (1998) 251-263.
  40. Nathan Y., Dvorachek M., Dorfman E., Yoffe S., Shoval S. and Gaft M., Strontiam-Hilgardite 1Tc from the Sedom Formation, Dead Sea, Southern Israel. Current Research, Geological Survey of Israel, 11 (1998) 83-86.
  41. Panczer G., Gaft M., Reisfeld R., Shoval S., Boulon G. and Champagnon B., Luminescence of Uranium in Natural Apatites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 275-277 (1998) 269-272.
  42. Shoval S., Yariv S., Michaelian K.H., Lapides I., Boudeulle M. and Panczer G., A Fifth OH Stretching Band in IR Spectra of Kaolinite. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 212 (1999) 523-529.
  43. Shoval S., Yariv S., Michaelian K.H., Boudeulle M. and Panczer G., Hydroxyl Stretching Bands ‘A’ and ‘Z’ in Raman and Infrared Spectra of Kaolinites. Clay Minerals, 34 (1999) 551-563.
  44. Shoval S., Yariv S., Michaelian K.H., Boudeulle M. and Panczer G., LO and TO Crystal Modes of the Hydroxyl Stretching Vibrations in Micro-Raman and Infrared Spectra of Nacrite. Optical Materials, 16 (2001) 311-318.
  45. Shoval S., Yariv S., Michaelian K.H., Boudeulle M. and Panczer G., Micro-Raman and FT-IR Spectroscopy Study of the Thermal Transformations of St. Claire dickite. Optical Materials, 16 (2001) 319-327.
  46. Shoval S., Yariv S., Michaelian K.H., Boudeulle M. and Panczer G., Hydroxyl Stretching Bands in Curve-Fitted Micro-Raman, Photoacoustic and Transmission Infrared Spectra of Dickite from St. Claire, Pennsylvania. Clays and Clay Minerals, 49 (2001) 347-354.
  47. Shoval S., Yariv S., Michaelian K.H., Boudeulle M. and Panczer G., Hydroxyl Stretching Bands in Polarized Micro-Raman Spectra of Oriented Single-Crystal Keokuk Kaolinite. Clays and Clay Minerals, 50 (2002) 56-62.
  48. Yoffe O., Nathan Y., Wolfarth A., Cohen S. and Shoval S., The Chemistry and Mineralogy of the Negev Oil Shale Ashes. Fuel, 81 (2002) 1101-1117.
  49. Shoval S., Michaelian K.H., Boudeulle M., Panczer G., Lapides I. and Yariv S., Study of Thermally Treated Dickite by Infrared and Micro-Raman Spectroscopy Using Curve-Fitting Technique. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 69 (2002) 205-225.
  50. Shoval S., Yofe O. and Nathan Y., Distinguishing Between Natural and Recarbonated Calcite in Oil Shale Ashes. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 71 (2003) 883-892.
  51. Shoval S., Gaft M. and Panczer G., Luminescence of Cr3+ in Natural and Calcined diaspore. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 71 (2003) 699-706.
  52. Shoval S., Using FT-IR Spectroscopy for Study of Calcareous Ancient Ceramics. Optical Materials, 24 (2003) 117-122.
  53. Shoval S., Clay Sedimentation along the Southeastern Neo-Tethys Margin During the Oceanic Convergence Stage. Applied Clay Science Journal, 24 (2004) 287-298.
  54. Shoval S., Deposition of Volcanogenic Smectite along the Southeastern Neo-Tethys Margin During the Oceanic Convergence Stage. Applied Clay Science Journal, 24 (2004) 299-311.
  55. Shoval S. and Beck P., Thermo-FT-IR Spectroscopy Analysis as a Method of Characterizing Ancient Ceramic Technology. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 82 (2005) 609-616.
  56. Shoval S., Panczer G. and Boudeulle M., "Study of the Occurrence of Titanium in Kaolinites by Micro-Raman Spectroscopy". Optical Materials 30 (2008) 1699–1705
  57. De Ligny D., Neuville D.R, Cormier L., Roux J., Henderson G.S., Panczer G.,  Shoval S., Flank A.-M., Lagarde P., "Silica polymorphs, glass and melt: An in situ high temperature XAS study at the Si K-edge. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 355 (2009) 1099-1102.
  58. Yitzhak Paz, Shlomo Shoval, Olga Zlatkin. Canaanite EB-IB 'Proto-Metallic Ware' – the earliest production of ceramic 'Metallic Ware' in the Land of Israel . Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies, 25 (2009) 163-188.
  59. Shoval S., Zlatkin O., Climatic changes during the Pliocene as observed from climate-sensitive rocks and clay minerals of the Sedom formation, the Dead Sea Basin. Clay Minerals, (2009) 44, 465–482.
  60. Shoval S., Yadin E., Panczer G., Analysis of thermal phases in calcareous Iron Age pottery using FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, (2011) 104, 515–525.
  61. Shoval S. and Nathan Y., Analyzing the calcination of sulfur-rich calcareous oil shales using FT-IR spectroscopy and applying curve-fitting technique. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 105 (2011) 883–896.
  62.  Shoval, S., Yadin, E., Panczer, G., Analysis of thermal phases in calcareous Iron Age pottery using FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 104, (2011) 515–525.
  63. Paz, Y., Shoval, S., Miniature Votive Bowls as the Symbolic Defense of Leviah, an Early Bronze Age Fortified town in the Southern Levant. Time and Mind: The Journal of Archeology, Consciousness and Culture 5,(2012) 7-18. 
  64. Shoval, S., Boudeulle, M., Panczer, G.,  Identification of the thermal phases in firing of kaolinite to mullite by using micro-Raman spectroscopy and curve-fitting . Optical Materials 34, (2011) 404–409.
  65. Shoval S., Paz Y. Study the mass-gain of ancient pottery in relation to the archeological age by thermal analysis Submitted for publication (2012).
  66. Shoval S., Kaz G. The emergence of collapsed sinkholes on mudflats along the shore of the Dead Sea.  Submitted for publication (2012).
  67. Shoval S., Paz Y.  Pseudo-amorphous and crystalline phases in the ceramic composition of  non-calcareous ancient pottery. In preparation.
  68. Shoval S., Paz Y. Analysis of thermal phases in Canaanite ceramic 'Metallic Ware' using FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy. In preparation
  69. Shoval S., Nathan Y., et al., Analysis of thermal phases in coal fly ashes using FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy. In preparation.

Papers in Conference Proceedings

  1. Mazor E. and Shoval S., Makhtesh-Ramon as a Geological Museum. In: Guidebook: Geological Field Trips in the Makhtesh-Ramon Area. Israel Geological Society (1987) 1-15 (Hebrew).
  2. Shoval S., Saar H., Goldman N., Levy D. and Gaft M., IR Spectra of Clay Minerals from Makhtesh Ramon. Proceedings, Israel Society for Clay Research Annual Meeting, Makhtesh Ramon (October 8-9, 1991) 9-21 (Hebrew).
  3. Shoval S., Some Comparisons between FT-IR and XRD Methods in Quantitative Mineralogical Analyses: Determination of Clay Minerals, Type Structure of Smectites, Crystallinity Index of Quartz and the Firing Temperature of Ancient Pottery. Proceedings, Semaine Franco-Israelienne, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France (1993) 57-59.
  4. Gaft M., Shoval S., Panczer G., Nathan Y., Champagnon B., Knubovets R. and Rabinowitz, J., Different Types of Uranium Luminescence in Apatite Grains from the Negev Phosphorite. Proceedings, 12th Conference of the Israel Association for the Advancement of Mineral Engineering, Elat (1994) E67-E75.
  5. Gaft M., Shoval S., Panczer G., Nathan Y., Champagnon B., Knubovets R. and Rabinowitz J., Laser-Induced Luminescence of Rare-Earth in Magmatic and Sedimentary Apatites. Proceedings, 12th Conference of the Israel Association for the Advancement of Mineral Engineering, Elat (1994) E76-E81.
  6. Knubovets R., Nathan Y., Shoval S., Gaft M., Rabinowitz J. and Pregerson B., Cristallochemical Changes of the Apatites and Chemical Changes of the Phosphorites During Flash Calcination. Proceedings, 12th Conference of the Israel Association for the Advancement of Mineral Engineering, Elat (1994) E154-E157.
  7. Shoval S., Mineralogical Methods in Identification of Ancient Technology. Science and Archaeology Bull., Weizmann Institute of Science, 2 (1994) 11-13 (Hebrew).
  8. Shoval S., The Components of the OH Stretching Band in the IR Spectra of Illites, Enhancement by Deconvolution of the Spectral Curve. Proceedings, Euroclay 95, Leuven, Belgium (August 20-25, 1995) 84-85.
  9. Shoval S. and Goldman N., Magnesium Rich Illite in Triassic Evaporites of Makhtesh Ramon, Israel. Proceedings, Euroclay 95, Leuven, Belgium (August 20-25, 1995) 428-429.
  10. Knubovets R., Shoval S., Nathan Y., Rabinowitz J. and Baker M., Using Peak Fitting for Analysis of FT-IR Spectra of Phosphorites. Proceedings, 13th Conference of the Israel Mineral Science and Engineering Association (December 9-10, 1996) E116-E124.
  11. Shoval S., The Smectite Source in the Argillaceous Marine Sediments Deposited near the SE Margin of the Tethys, Israel Area-Theoretical Aspects. Proceedings, 2nd Mediterranean Clay Meeting, Averio, Portugal (September 16-19, 1998) 2, 131-135.
  12. Shoval S., Yariv S., Michaelian K.H., Lapides I., Boudeulle M. and Panczer G., Comparison the OH Stretching Vibrations of Kaolinite in Raman and IR Spectra. Proceedings, 14th Conference of the Israel Mineral Science and Engineering Association, Beer-Sheva (December 14-16, 1998) 101-109 (Hebrew).
  13. Shoval S. and Nathan Y., Crystallinity of Apatite (Francolite) in the Negev Phosphorites, a Key to their Post-Depositional Diagenesis. Proceedings, 14th Conference of the Israel Mineral Science and Engineering Association, Beer-Sheva (December 14-16, 1998) E184-E195.
  14. Boudeulle M., Shoval S., Panczer G., Lapides I. and Yariv S., A Thermo Micro-Raman Spectroscopy of Dickite Heated up to 1300?C. Proceedings, Semaine Franco-Israelienne, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France (December 5-8, 1999), 2 pp.
  15. Shoval S., Champagnon B., Panczer G., Gaft M. and Boudeulle M., Study of the Thermal Transformations in Diaspore and Boehmite by Micro-Raman and Luminescence Spectroscopy. Proceedings, Semaine Franco-Israelienne, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France (1999), 3 pp.
  16. Shoval S., Boudeulle M., Panczer G., Yariv S. and Michaelian K.H., LO and TO Modes of the Hydroxyl Stretching Vibrations in Micro-Raman Spectra of St. Claire Dickite. Proceedings, Semaine Franco-Israelienne, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France (December 5-8, 1999), 2 pp.
  17. Shoval S., Argillation of Submarine Volcanic Rocks; A Source for Detrital Smectite Deposited in the Levant Basin During the Tethys Divergence and Convergence. Proceedings of the Invited Lectures, 1st Latin American Clay Conference, Funchal 2000, 1(2000) 96-113.
  18. Shoval S., Demonstration of Educational Field Trip to the Magmatic and Metamorphic Rocks of Elat Campus and Shlomo Wadi. Geological Field Trips in the Elat Area, Guidebook, Israel Geological Society (2001) 81-88 (Hebrew).
  19. Shoval S., Relationships between Hydroxyl Starching and Deformation Vibrations in IR Spectra of Smectites. Semaine Franco-Israelienne, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France (December 8-11, 2002), 2 pp.
  20. Shoval S., Paz Y. and Greenberg R., Patterns of Ceramic Manufacture and Distribution in the Early Bronze Age Golan and Galilee. Proceedings of the Invited Lectures, EUROCLAY 2007, Aveiro, Portugal (July 22-27, 2007) 130-138.

Conference Presentations

  1. Shoval S. and Yariv S., The Reaction between Montmorillonitic Clay and Fatty Acids. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Southern Sinai (March 23-27, 1980) Abst. Bull., 35.
  2. Shoval S., Stages in the Geological History of Karnai-Hittin. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Nazereth (April 24-27, 1983) Abst. Bull., 79.
  3. Kirsh Y. and Shoval S., Thermoluminescence of Feldspars. Israel Physical Society 30th Anniversary Meeting, Jerusalem (April 24, 1984) Abst. Bull., 81.
  4. Shoval S., Magmatic Rocks and Minerals through the Microscope by Self Study. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Yotveta (March 10-13, 1985) Abst. Bull., 95.
  5. Shoval S., Yariv S. and Kirsh Y., Solid State Chemical Reactions between Minerals Caused by Grinding. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Ma’alot (May 4-7, 1986) Abst. Bull., 119.
  6. Shoval S., Yariv S. and Kirsh Y., The Formation of Hydrated Double Salts and Hydrated Solid Solutions During the Evaporation of Aqueous Solutions of Bischofite and Bromo-Bischofite with Alkali Halides, as a Model for Their Precipitation During the Evaporation of Dead Sea Water. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, En-Boqeq (February 21-24, 1988) Abst. Bull., 114.
  7. Shoval S., Erez Z., Deutsch Y., Kirsh Y., Kochavi M. and Yadin E., The Temperature of an Early-Iron-Age Conflagration. 9th International Congress on Thermal Analysis, Jerusalem (August 21-25, 1988) Abst. Bull., 65.
  8. Shoval S., Erez Z., Deutsch Y., Kirsh Y., Kochavi M. and Vinitzky L., Thermal Analysis of Basaltic and Calcareous Clay Soils from the Land of Geshur. 9th International Congress on Thermal Analysis, Jerusalem (August 21-25, 1988) Abst. Bull., 66.
  9. Shoval S., Erez Z., Deutsch Y., Kirsh Y., Herzog Z. and Krieger S., Thermal Analysis of Pottery and Local Raw Materials from Tel-Michal, Israel. 9th International Congress on Thermal Analysis, Jerusalem (August 21-25, 1988) Abst. Bull., 67.
  10. Erez Z., Shoval S., Deutsch Y., Kirsh Y. and Herzog Z., A Middle Bronze Age Kiln or Silo? 9th International Congress on Thermal Analysis, Jerusalem (August 21-25, 1988) Abst. Bull., 68.
  11. Shoval S., Slag Formation in the Wall of a Tel-Michal Pottery Kiln. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Ramot (April 2-5, 1989) Abst. Bull., 148.
  12. Shoval S., Erez Y., Kirsh Y., Deutsch R., Knafo R., Kochavi M. and Yadin E., Mineralogy and Petrography of Groups of Pottery from Tel-Hadar. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Ramot (April 2-5, 1989) Abst. Bull., 149.
  13. Shoval S. and Erez Z., Relative Amounts of Kaolinite and Montmorillonite-Illite in the Hamra and Kurkar Layers of the Sharon Coastal Cliff - An Indicator of Upper Pleistocene Paleoclimate. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Ramot (April 2-5, 1989) Abst. Bull., 150.
  14. Shoval S., Erez Y., Kirsh Y., Deutsch R., Knafo R., Kochavi M. and Yadin E., Mineralogy and Petrography of Groups of Pottery from Tel-Hadar. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Ramot (April 2-5, 1989) Abst. Bull., 151.
  15. Shoval S., Beck P., Kirsh Y., Yadin E., Dekel E. and Levy D., Raw Materials Used in Pottery at Tel-Hadar. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Elat (April 23-26, 1990) Abst. Bull., 77.
  16. Nathan Y., Ginott Y. and Shoval S., Biological Implications for Quartz Crystallinity. 15th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, Beijing, China (June 28-July 3, 1990)
  17. Shoval S., Kirsh Y., Beck P., Yadin E., Dekel E. and Levy D., Determination of the Firing Temperature of Ancient Pottery. Israel Group for Thermal Analysis, Tel-Aviv (May 15, 1990) Abst. Bull., 17 (Hebrew).
  18. Schnitzer I, Shoval S., Alter O. and Katzir A., Temperature Dependence of Multiphonon Absorption in Mixed Silver Halide Crystal. Israel Group for Thermal Analysis Annual Meeting, Tel-Aviv (May 15, 1990) Abst. Bull., 7.
  19. Shoval S., Beck P., Yadin E., Vinitzky L., Kirsh Y. and Levy D., Clay Fraction Characteristics of Pottery from the Land of Geshur. Israel Society for Clay Research Annual Meeting, Jerusalem (October 18, 1990) Abst. Bull., 13 (Hebrew).
  20. Nathan Y., Shoval S., Sandler A., Charrach J. and Rappaport A., Clays in Hypersaline Environments. Israel Society for Clay Research Annual Meeting, Jerusalem (October 18, 1990) Abst. Bull., 10.
  21. Shoval S., Beck P., Levy D., Gaft M., Kirsh Y. and Yadin E., Reconstruction of Clay Minerals in Ancient Pottery from Land of Geshur. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Akko (April 22-25, 1991) Abst. Bull., 99.
  22. Gaft M., Shoval S., Kirsh Y. and Nathan Y., Application of Luminescence Methods for the Beneficiation of Negev Phosphorites. International German-Israeli Conference on “Phosphorites and Black Shales,” Jerusalem (September 1-5, 1991) Abst. Bull., 17-18.
  23. Shoval S., Beck P., Yadin E., Gaft M., Kirsh Y. and Eisenberg-Levy D., The Ceramic Advantage in the Technology of Iron Age Cooking Pot Preparation, Tel-Hadar. Eighteenth Archaeological Conference in Israel, Israel Exploration Society, Israel Antiquities Authority, Tel-Aviv (February 12-13, 1992) Abst. Bull., 35 (Hebrew).
  24. Gaft M., Shoval S. and Kirsh Y., Investigation of Israel Minerals and Rocks by Photoluminescence. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Ashqelon (March 30-April 1, 1992) Abst. Bull., 47-48.
  25. Shoval S., Beck P., Kirsh Y., Eisenberg-Levy D. and Yadin E., Using Calcareous and Noncalcareous Clays as Raw Materials for Iron Age Vessels. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Ashqelon (March 30-April 1, 1992) Abst. Bull., 136.
  26. Shoval S., Gaft M., Beck P., Kirsh Y. and Yadin E., The Preference of Monocrystalline Calcite Tempers Upon Limestone Ones in Preparation of Iron Cooking Pots. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Ashqelon (March 30-April 1, 1992) Abst. Bull., 137-138.
  27. Shoval S., Gaft M., Goldman N. and Kirsh Y., Presence and Distribution of Uranyl-Ion in Mishash Cherts Investigated by Luminescence. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Ashqelon (March 30-April 1, 1992) Abst. Bull., 139-140.
  28. Shoval S., Saar H. and Fischer R., The Source and Stages of Development of Pisolites from Mishhor Formation, Makhtesh Ramon. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Ashqelon (March 30-April 1, 1992) Abst. Bull., 141.
  29. Yariv S., Seifert H.S., Uebach J. and Shoval S., The Phase Diagram of the Ternary Systems NaCl/CsCl/H2O and NaBr/CsBr/H2O Elucidated by Mechanochemical Equilibration. Israel Chemistry Society Annual Meeting (1992).
  30. Shoval S., Gaft M., Beck P., Kirsh Y. and Yadin E., The Thermal Behavior of Limestone and Monocrystalline Calcite Tempers during Firing and their Use in Ancient Vessels. 10th International Congress on Thermal Analysis, Hatfield, England (August 24-28, 1992) Abst. Bull., K18.
  31. Shoval S. and Eisenberg-Levy D., An Infrared Spectroscopy Method for the Quantitative Determination of the Proportions between Kaolinite and Montmorillonite-Illite in Sediments and Soils. Israel Society for Clay Research Annual Meeting, Jerusalem (October 26, 1992).
  32. Shoval S. and Gaft M., Using Derivatives for Analysis of IR Spectra of Clay Minerals. Israel Society for Clay Research Annual Meeting, Jerusalem (October 26, 1992).
  33. Shoval S., A Method for Estimation of the Firing Temperature of Ancient Pottery by Infrared Spectroscopy. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Arad (March 15-18, 1993) Abst. Bull., 119.
  34. Shoval S., A New Quantitative Method for Estimation of the Proportions between Kaolinite and Montmorillonite-Illite in Sediments and Soils by Infrared Spectroscopy. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Arad (March 15-18, 1993) Abst. Bull., 120.
  35. Shoval S., The Components of the OH Stretching Band in the Infrared Spectra of Smectite Containing Iron and Magnesium, Elucidated by Curve Derivatives. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Arad (March 15-18, 1993) Abst. Bull., 121.
  36. Shoval S., Beck P., Yadin E. and Kirsh Y., The Origin of an Iron Age Krater with Grooved Neck, Excavated at Tel Hadar, Sea of Galilee Shore, Determined by Petrographic and Mineralogical Analyses. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Arad (March 15-18, 1993) Abst. Bull., 122.
  37. Shoval S., Beck P., Yadin E., Kirsh Y. and Gaft M., The Ceramic Technology of Iron Age Cooking Pots, Tel-Hadar. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Arad (March 15-18, 1993) Abst. Bull., 123.
  38. Shoval S., Beck P., Yadin E., Kirsh Y. and Levi-Eizenberg D., The Ceramic Technology of Iron Age Storage Vessels, Tel-Hadar. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Arad (March 15-18, 1993) Abst. Bull., 124.
  39. Shoval S. and Goldman N., The Ancient Technology of Cement for Plaster and Building Materials, Tel Michal. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Arad (March 15-18, 1993) Abst. Bull., 125.
  40. Golan G., Shoval S. and Pitt C.W., Scanning Acoustic Microscopy for Petrographic Imaging. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Ginosar (Feb. 28-March 2, 1994) Abst. Bull., 34.
  41. Knubovets R., Shoval S., Gaft M., Nathan Y., Rabinowitz J. and Pregerson B., Infrared Study of the Carbonate Ions in Apatite from the Negev Phosphorite. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Ginosar (Feb. 28-March 2, 1994) Abst. Bull., 56.
  42. Shoval S., A Regional Lower Cretaceous Hydrothermal Circulation in Makhtesh Ramon Area. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Ginosar (Feb. 28-March 2, 1994) Abst. Bull., 103.
  43. Shoval S., Knubovets R., Gaft M., Nathan Y., Rabinowitz J. and Pregerson B., Crystallochemical Heterogeneity of Apatites in the Negev Phosphorites. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Ginosar (Feb. 28-March 2, 1994) Abst. Bull., 104.
  44. >Golan G., Shoval S. and Pitt C.W., 3-D Petrographic Imaging Using Scanning Acoustic Microscopy. 16th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, Pisa, Italy (September 4-9, 1994) Abst. Bull., 148.
  45. Shoval S., Knubovets R., Gaft M., Nathan Y. and Pregerson B., Infrared Study of the Hydroxyl Group in Apatites from the Senonian Phosphorites, Mishash Formation, Israel. 16th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, Pisa, Italy (September 4-9, 1994) Abst. Bull., 376.
  46. Nathan Y., Sandler A. and Shoval S., Clays of the Dead Sea. Israel Society for Clay Research Annual Meeting, Jerusalem (October 26, 1994) Abst. Bull., 1.
  47. Gaft M., Shoval S., Panczer G., Champagnon B. and Garapon C., Laser-Induced Fast Luminescence of Organic Matter in Phosphorites. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Zikhron Ya’aqov (March 20-22, 1995) Abst. Bull., 32.
  48. Gaft M., Panczer G., Shoval S., Champagnon B. and Garapon C., Reabsorption in Laser-Induced Slow Luminescence of Sedimentary Apatites. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Zikhron Ya’aqov (March 20-22, 1995) Abst. Bull., 33.
  49. Shoval S. and Goldman N., Magnesium Rich Illite in Mohilla Formation at Makhtesh Ramon, Israel. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Zikhron Ya’aqov (March 20-22, 1995) Abst. Bull., 108.
  50. Shoval S. and Panczer G., Micro-Raman Spectroscopy Study of the Minerals Composing the Granulites and the Clinopyroxnites Xenoliths from the Kerem Maharal Volcano, Carmel, Israel. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Zikhron Ya’aqov (March 20-22, 1995) Abst. Bull., 109.
  51. Shoval S., Boudeulle M., Panczer G. and Yariv S., Micro-Raman and Infra-Red Spectroscopy Study of Hydrothermal Kaolinites from Makhtesh Ramon, Israel. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Zikhron Ya’aqov (March 20-22, 1995) Abst. Bull., 110.
  52. Boudeulle M., Panczer G. and Shoval S., Tracing the Kaolinite through Raman Micro-spectrometry. 8th Meeting of the European Union of Geoscience (EUG), Strasbourg (April 9-13, 1995) Abst. Bull., 248.
  53. Gaft M., Panczer G., Shoval S. and Champagnon B., Laser-Induced Luminescence of Rare-Earth in Apatites. 8th Meeting of the European Union of Geoscience (EUG), Strasbourg (April 9-13, 1995) Abst. Bull., 238.
  54. Gaft M. and Shoval S., Identification of Impurities in Minerals by Thermal Influence on Luminescence. Israel Group for Thermal Analysis Annual Meeting, Beer-Sheva (June 20, 1995).
  55. Knubovets R., Nathan Y., Shoval S., Gaft M., Rabinowitz J. and Pregerson B., Cristallochemical Changes of the Apatites and Chemical Changes of the Phosphorites during Flash Calcination. Israel Group for Thermal Analysis Annual Meeting, Beer-Sheva (June 20, 1995).
  56. Gaft M., Shoval S., Moncorge R., Panczer G. and Champagnon B., Luminescence of Transition Metal Ions in Natural Apatites. Abstracts, Proceedings, Tenth Feofilov Symposium on Spectroscopy of Crystals Activated by Rare-Earth and Transitional Ions, St. Petersburg, Russia (July 2-8, 1995) Abst. Bull., 297.
  57. Gaft M., Shoval S., Panczer G., Champagnon B., Nathan Y. and Rabinowitz J., Determination of Incorporation Forms of Impurities in Sedimentary and Magmatic Apatites by Luminescence Spectroscopy. XIIIth International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry (ICPC), Jerusalem (July 16-21, 1995) Abst. Bull., 97.
  58. Gaft M., Shoval S., Panczer G., Champagnon B. and Rabinowitz J., Determination of Incorporation Forms of Impurities in Apatite by Time-Resolved Luminescence. XIIIth International Conference on Phosphorus Sulfur and Silicon, Jerusalem (July 16-21, 1995) 111 [638] Abst. Bull., 6.
  59. Shoval S., Deutsch Y., Gaft M. and Panczer G., Anorthoclase Megacrysts in Neogene Basalt Near Qarne-Hittin Volcano, Israel. Second International Symposium on the Geology of the Eastern Mediterranean Region, Jerusalem (Aug. 27-Sept. 3, 1995) Abst. Bull., 21.
  60. Shoval S., Ferromagnesian-Smectite and Chlorite in the Alteration Products of Basaltic Sills and Dykes. Third International Dyke Conference, Jerusalem (September 4-8, 1995) Abst. Bull., 65.
  61. Shoval S., Boudeulle M., Panczer G. and Yariv S., Raman Micro-Spectrometry and Infrared Spectroscopy Study of the Alteration Products of Trachyte Sills and Dykes in Makhtesh Ramon Area, Israel. Third International Dyke Conference, Jerusalem (September 4-8, 1995) Abst. Bull., 66.
  62. Boudeulle M., Panczer G. and Shoval S., Kaolinites: Towards Polytypism or Interstratification?. Jahrestagung Mineralogie, Strasbourg, September 11-14, 1995. European Journal of Mineralogy, 7 (1995) Abst. Bull., 31.
  63. Panczer G., Gaft M. and Shoval S., Champagnon B. and Garapon C., Diffusion of Uranium and Rare-Earth Elements in Apatites-a Time-Delayed Laser-Induced Luminescence Study. Jahrestagung Mineralogie, Strasbourg, September 11-14, 1995. European Journal of Mineralogy, 7 (1995) Abst. Bull., 180.
  64. Shoval S., Alteration to Ferromagnesian-Smectite, Chlorite and Kaolinite in Various Sills and Dykes of the Makhtesh Ramon Area. Israel Society for Clay Research Annual Meeting, Tel-Aviv (October 25, 1995) Abst. Bull., 14.
  65. Shoval S., Champagnon B. and Panczer G., Raman Micro-spectroscopy and IR Spectroscopy of the Quartz-Cristobalite Transformation in Heated Cherts. Israel Hungary Binational Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry of Materials, Ein-Bokek (March 17-19, 1996) Abst. Bull., 63.
  66. Golan G., Shoval S., Pitt, C.W. and Beck P., Thermo-Acoustic Material Signature in Scanning Acoustic Microscopy for Petrographic Imaging of Pottery. 11th International Congress on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Philadelphia, PA (August 12-16, 1996).
  67. Shoval S., Gaft M., Champagnon B. and Panczer G., Luminescence of Cr3+ in Kaolinite Heating Products. 11th International Congress on Thermal Analysis, Philadelphia, PA (August 12-16, 1996).
  68. Gaft M., Reisfeld R., Panczer G., Shoval S., Champagnon B. and Boulon G., Eu2+ Luminescence in High-Symmetry Ca(I) Sites of Natural Apatite. 10th International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter, Prague, Czech Republic (August 18-23, 1996) Abst. Bull., 85.
  69. Reisfeld, R., Gaft M., Panczer G., Shoval S., Champagnon B. and Boulon G., Rare-Earths and Mn2+ Luminescence in Different Ca Sites of Natural Apatites. Israeli-French Workshop on Apatites and Lasers, Jerusalem (November 25-26, 1996).
  70. Gaft M., Reisfeld, R., Shoval S., Panczer G. and Champagnon B., Reabsorption Lines of Molecular Oxygen and Water in Apatite. Israeli-French Workshop on Apatites and Lasers, Jerusalem (November 25-26, 1996).
  71. Knubovets R., Shoval S. and Nathan Y., Water and Hydroxyl Groups in Apatite. Israeli-French Workshop on Apatites and Lasers, Jerusalem (November 25-26, 1996).
  72. Shoval S., Nathan Y., Knubovets R., Apfelbaum A. and Panczer G., Crystallinity of Apatite in Sedimentary Phosphorite. Israeli-French Workshop on Apatites and Lasers, Jerusalem (November 25-26, 1996).
  73. Nathan Y., Shoval S. and Gaft M., Strontian Hilgardite-1Tc from the Sedom Formation, Mount Sedom. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Kefar Giladi (April 15-17, 1997) Abst. Bull., 84.
  74. Shoval S., Boudeulle M., Panczer G., Yariv S. and Michaelian K.H., Micro-Raman Spectra of Different Structural Types of Kaolinites. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Kefar Giladi (April 15-17, 1997) Abst. Bull., 107.
  75. Shoval S., Yariv S., Michaelian K.H., Boudeulle M. and Panczer G., OH Stretching Raman Active Modes in Dickite. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Kefar Giladi (April 15-17, 1997) Abst. Bull., 108.
  76. Shoval S., Yariv S., Boudeulle M. and Panczer G., Spectroscopy Study of Jurassic Pisolitic Laterite and Flint Clay, Makhtesh Ramon. 11th International Clay Conference, Ottawa, Canada (June 15-21, 1997) Abst. Bull., A68.
  77. Shoval S., Yariv S., Boudeulle M. and Panczer G., A Raman Structural Order Index for Kaolinite. Joint Annual Meeting of the Israel Society of Clay Research and the Israel Group for Thermal Analysis, Rehovot (February 24, 1998) Abst. Bull., 14.
  78. Shoval S., New Suggestion for the Source of the Smectite in Argillaceous Marine Sediments Deposited Near the SE Margin of the Tethys, Israel Area. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Mitzpe Ramon (March 22-24, 1998) Abst. Bull., 97.
  79. Shoval S., Yariv S., Boudeulle M. and Panczer G., Stepped Process of Genesis in the Formation of the Kaolinites in the Altered Trachyte Sills and Dikes of Makhtesh Ramon Area, Israel. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Mitzpe Ramon (March 22-24, 1998) Abst. Bull., 98.
  80. Shoval S., Correlation between the Deposition of Smectite in the Tethys Margin and the Volcanism Activity During the Divergence and Convergence of this Ocean. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Dead Sea (March 8-10, 1999) Abst. Bull., 82.
  81. Shoval S., Gaft M., Panczer G., Boudeulle M. and Champagnon B., Luminescence of Cr3+ in the Minerals Diaspore and Boehmite from the Pisolitic Flint-Clay of the Jurassic Mishor Formation, Makhtesh Ramon. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Dead Sea (March 8-10, 1999) Abst. Bull., 83.
  82. Shoval S., Clay Minerals Document Plate Tectonics Events of the Tethys Ocean. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Ma’alot (April 3-5, 2000) Abst. Bull., 115.
  83. Shoval S., Palygorskite in the Chalk of the Lower Cenomanian Isfiye Formation, Mount Carmel. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Ma’alot (April 3-5, 2000) Abst. Bull., 117.
  84. Shoval S., Quantitative Estimation of Kaolinite Relative to Smectite or Illite in Sediments and Soils by Curve Fitting of Infrared Spectra. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Ma’alot (April 3-5, 2000) Abst. Bull., 118.
  85. Shoval S., Argillation of volcanic rocks of Island Arcs; A source for Detrital Smectite in the Marls of the Paleocene Taqiye Formation. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Elat (March 20-22, 2001) 111.
  86. Shoval S., The Jurassic and the Cretaceous Shallow-Shelf Platform along the Tethyan Margin of the Arabo-Nubian Shield; an Environment of Conversion from Smectite to Interstratified Illite/Smectite. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Elat (March 20-22, 2001) Abst. Bull., 112.
  87. Shoval S., Accumulation of Bottom Brines in Syncline Basins; A Precipitation Environment of the Palygorskite in the Paleocene Taqiye Formation. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Eilat (March 20-22, 2001) Abst. Bull., 113.
  88. Shoval S., Ferromagnesian Smectites and Chlorite in the Alteration Products of Basaltic Sills and Dykes of the Makhtesh Ramon Area, Israel. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Eilat (March 20-22, 2001) Abst. Bull., 114.
  89. Shoval S., Using the Internet for Teaching Geology in The Open University of Israel. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Eilat (March 20-22, 2001) Abst. Bull., 115.
  90. Shoval S., The Origin of the Clay Minerals in Mesozoic-Early Cenozoic Marine Sediments Deposited Along the Tethyan Margin of the Arabian-Nubian Shield. Israel Society for Clay Research Annual Meeting, Rehovot (April 3, 2001) Abst. Bull., 5.
  91. Shoval S., Gaft M., Champagnon B., Panczer G. and Boudeulle M., Spectroscopic Study of the Thermal Transformation During Firing Mixtures of Smectitic Clay and Calcite. MEDICTA 2001, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain (September 11-14, 2001) Abst. Bull., IM16.
  92. Shoval S., Petrography and Mineralogy of Iron Age Pottery from a Pillared Building at Tel Hadar, Israel. EMAC ‘01, University of Fribourg, Switzerland (October 3-6, 2001) Abst. Bull., 73.
  93. Shoval S., Various Types of Interstratified Illite/Smectite Along the Stratigraphic Section of Israel. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Maagan (April 23-25, 2002) Abst. Bull., 114.
  94. Shoval S., Study the Thermal Transformations of Dickite Heated at 1300?C by FT-IR and Micro-Raman Spectroscopy. Israel Group for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Jerusalem (May 29, 2002).
  95. Shoval S., Clay Sedimentation Along the Southeastern Tethyan Margin During the Rifting and the Primary Divergence Stage of the Neo-Tethys (Middle Triassic to Lower Albian). Third Mediterranean Clay Meeting, Jerusalem (Sept. 30-Oct. 3, 2002) Abst. Bull., 33.
  96. Shoval S., Clay Sedimentation Along the Southeastern Tethyan Margin During the Progressive Divergence Stage of the Neo-Tethys (Upper Albian to Turonian). Third Mediterranean Clay Meeting, Jerusalem (Sept. 30-Oct. 3, 2002) Abst. Bull., 54.
  97. Shoval S., Clay Sedimentation Along the Southeastern Tethyan Margin During the Convergence Stage of the Neo-Tethys (Senonian to Eocene). Third Mediterranean Clay Meeting, Jerusalem (Sept. 30-Oct. 3, 2002) Abst. Bull., 55.
  98. Shoval S., Yofe O. and Nathan Y., Using FT-IR Spectroscopy for Study of the Thermal Transformations in Calcareous Oil Shales. 6th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis, MEDICTA 2003, Porto, Portugal (July 27-30, 2003) Abst. Bull., 90.
  99. Shoval S., Opal-CT Palygorskite Association in the Maastrichtian-Paleocene Sediments in the North-West Israel. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Hagoshrim (March 23-25, 2004) Abst. Bull., 103.
  100. Shoval S., The Origin of the Kaolinite in Terrestrial Formations of the Jurassic and The Lower-Cretaceous of the Makhtesh Ramon Section. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Hagoshrim (March 23-25, 2004) Abst. Bull., 104.
  101. Shoval S. and Yadin E., Material Technology in Manufacturing of Ceramics in the Biblical Period. Israel Society for Clay Research Annual Meeting, Tel-Hai (March 31-April 1, 2004) Abst. Bull., 24-25.
  102. Shoval S., Clay Minerals as Indicators of the Paleoenvironment and Paleoclimate Conditions during the Middle Triassic to the Lower Albian, Israel Area. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Mashabim (April 5-7, 2005) Abst. Bull., 111.
  103. Shoval S. and Beck P., Use of Low Temperature Sintering Technology in the Manufacturing of Domestic Iron Age Cooking Pots. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Mashabim (April 5-7, 2005) Abst. Bull., 112.
  104. Epstein M., Shoval S., Lapides I and Yariv S., Thermo-IR-Spectroscopy Analysis of Montmorillonites Saturated with Alizarinate. MEDICTA 2005, Thessaloniki, Greece (July 2-6, 2005) Abst. Bull., 169.
  105. Shoval S. and Beck P., Use of Lime Technology in the Manufacturing of Domestic Iron Age Storage Jars. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Mashabim (April 5-7, 2005) Abst. Bull., 113.
  106. Shoval S., Subsurface Hydrothermal Activity in the Kerem-Maharal Volcano during the Lower Cenomanian. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Bet-Shean (February 5-7, 2006) Abst. Bull., 120.
  107. Shoval S., Beck P. and Yadin E., Trade Connections with the Pillared Building of Tel Hadar during the Iron Age. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Bet-Shean (February 5-7, 2006) Abst. Bull., 121.
  108. Shoval S., Panczer G. and Boudeulle M., Spectral Properties of Accessory Anatase in Micro-Raman Spectra of Various Kaolinites. The 6th Israel-French Workshop, Maale Hachamisha, Israel (December 11-12, 2006) Abst. Bull., 93.
  109. Shoval S., Harari D., Yofe O. and Nathan Y., Using FT-IR Spectroscopy for Identification of the Thermal Phases in Calcinied Calcareous Oil Shales. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Neve Zohar, Israel (February 20-22, 2007) Abst. Bull., 113.
  110. Shoval S., Panczer G. and Boudeulle M., Curve-fitted Micro-Raman Spectra of Kaolinites Free of Accessory Anatase. Israel Society for Clay Research Annual Meeting, Volcani Center, Israel (February 28, 2007) Abst. Bull., 3.
  111. Shoval S., Panczer G. and Boudeulle M., Study the Occurrence of Titanium in Kaolinites by Micro-Raman Spectroscopy. Euroclay 2007, Averio, Portugal (July 22-27, 2007) Abst. Bull., 12.
  112. Shoval S. and Harari D., Formation of Anhydrite and Ellestadite during Firing of Calcareous Oil Shales. Euroclay 2007, Averio, Portugal (July 22-27, 2007) Abst. Bull., 158.
  113. Harari D., Shoval S., Yofe O. and Nathan Y., Materials Analysis of Calcinied Calcareous Oil Shales by FT-IR Spectroscopy. MEDICTA 2007, Palermo, Italy (September 25-29, 2007) Abst. Bull., 66.
  114. Shoval S., Yariv S., Boudeulle M. and Panczer G., Study of the Kaolinite-Mullite Thermal Transformation by Infrared and Micro-Raman Spectroscopy using Curve-Fitting Technique. MEDICTA 2007, Palermo, Italy (September 25-29, 2007) Abst. Bull., 68.
  115. Shoval S. and Harari D., FT-IR Study of Gehlenite and Larnite in Calcination of Calcareous Clays. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Nazareth, Israel (April 6-8, 2008).
  116. Shoval S., Panczer G. and Boudeulle M., Material Analysis during Progressive Firing of Kaolinite by Infrared and Micro-Raman Spectroscopy using Curve-Fitting Technique. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Nazareth, Israel (April 6-8, 2008).
  117. Shoval S., Clay Mineral Assemblages of a Pliocenic Saline Environment - the Lagoonal Sediments of the Sedom Formation, the Dead Sea Basin. Submitted to the International Clay Conference, Castellaneta Marina (TA) Italy (June 14-28, 2008).
  118. Shoval S., Zlatkin O., Climatic Changes during the Pliocene as Observed from Lagoonal Sediments of the Sedom Formation, the Dead Sea Basin. The International Clay Conference, Castellaneta Marina (TA) Italy (June 14-28, 2008).
  119. Study of the calcination of sulfur-rich calcareous oil shales by using thermo-FT-IR spectroscopy. Abstract, Proceedings, ESTAC10, 10th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (August 22-27, 2010).
  120. Shoval S., FT-IR spectroscopy analysis of the kaolinite to mullite transformation by applying curve fitting and spectral derivatives. 7th European-Israeli Workshop on Materials and Optics. Claude Bernard – Lyon 1 University, Villeurbanne France (December 8-9, 2010).
  121. Shoval S., Boudeulle M., Panczer G., Micro-Raman spectroscopy analysis in calcination of kaolinite by applying curve fitting and spectral derivatives. 7th European-Israeli Workshop on Materials and Optics. Claude Bernard – Lyon 1 University, Villeurbanne France (December 8-9, 2010).
  122. Shoval S., Paz Y., Examination of re-hydroxylation dating of ancient pottery by using thermal analysis apparatus. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Ashkelon (March 13-15, 2012).
  123. Shoval S. Paz Y., Pseudo-amorphous and crystalline phases in the ceramic composition of noncalcareous pottery. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Ashkelon (March 13-15, 2012).
  124. Shoval S., Kaz G., The emergence of collapsed sinkholes on mudflats along the shore of the Dead Sea. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Ashkelon (March 13-15, 2012).

Research Reports

  1. Nathan Y., Shoval S. and Sandler A., Clays in the Dead Sea. Internal Report for the Period 1989-1990. Submitted to the Earth Science Research Administration, Ministry of Energy. Geological Survey of Israel (1990), Report GSI/25/90, 11 pp.
  2. Nathan Y., Shoval S., Sandler A., Charrach J., Rappaport, A. and Goor, A., Clays of Mount Sedom. Final Report for the Period 1989-1990. Submitted to the “Dead Sea Works”. Geological Survey of Israel, Report GSI/44/90 (1990), 30 pp.
  3. Shoval S. and Beck P., Mineralogy and Petrography of Pottery from Excavations in the Land of Geshur. First Interim Report for the Period 1989-1990. Submitted to the Basic Research Foundation Administered the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, The Open University of Israel (1990), 5 pp (Hebrew).
  4. Shoval S. and Beck P., Mineralogy and Petrography of Pottery from Excavations in the Land of Geshur. Second Interim Report for the Period 1990-1991, Submitted to the Basic Research Foundation Administered the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, The Open University of Israel (1991), 9 pp (Hebrew).
  5. Shoval S. and Beck P., Mineralogy and Petrography of Pottery from Excavations in the Land of Geshur. Final Report for the Period 1989-1992. Submitted to the Basic Research Foundation Administered the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, The Open University of Israel (1992), 15 pp (Hebrew).
  6. Nathan Y., Shoval S. and Sandler A., Clays in the Dead Sea. Final Report for the Period 1989-1990. Geological Survey of Israel, Report GSI/21/92 (1992), 26 pp (Hebrew).
  7. Shoval S., Knubovets R., Gaft M. and Nathan Y., Structural Mineralogy of Israel Phosphates and its Influence on Technological Properties and on Beneficiation Process Efficiency. First Interim Report for the Period of December 1993-May 1994. Submitted to the Rotem-Amfert-Negev, The Open University of Israel (1994), 25 pp.
  8. Shoval S., Knubovets R., Gaft M. and Nathan Y., Structural Mineralogy of Israel Phosphates and its Influence on Technological Properties and on Beneficiation Process Efficiency. Second Interim Report for the Period of June 1994-November 1994. Submitted to the Rotem-Amfert-Negev, The Open University of Israel (1994), 52 pp.
  9. Shoval S., Knubovets R., Gaft M. and Nathan Y., Structural Mineralogy of Israel Phosphates and its Influence on Technological Properties and on Beneficiation Process Efficiency. Third Interim Report for the Period of December 1994-November 1995. Submitted to the Rotem-Amfert-Negev, The Open University of Israel (1995), 95 pp.
  10. Shoval S., Knubovets R., Gaft M. and Nathan Y., Structural Mineralogy of Israel Phosphates and its Influence on Technological Properties and on Beneficiation Process Efficiency. Final Report for the Period December 1993-November 1996. Submitted to the Rotem-Amfert-Negev, The Open University of Israel (1996), 33 pp.
  11. Shoval S., New Suggestion for the Smectite Source in the Argillaceous Marine Sediments Deposited Near the S-E Margin of the Tethys Ocean, Israel Area. Internal Report for the Period December 1998-September 2000. Submitted to The Open University of Israel Research Fund, The Open University of Israel (2000), 5 pp. (Hebrew).
  12. Gaft M. and Shoval S., Spectroscopy of Minerals (Laser-induced time-resolved luminescence of minerals). Final Internal Report for the Period December 1998-April 2002. Submitted to The Open University of Israel Research Fund, The Open University of Israel (2002), 5 pp. (Hebrew).
  13. Shoval S., Characteristics of the clay minerals in the sediments of the Dead Sea Group in the Dead Sea Valley, Interim Report for the Period December 2007 - May 2008. Submitted to The Ministry of National Infrastructures Earth Science Research Administration, The Open University of Israel (2008), 46 pp.
  14. Shoval S., Characteristics of the clay minerals in the sediments of the Dead Sea Group in the Dead Sea Valley, Final Report for the Period December 2007 - May 2009. Submitted to The Ministry of National Infrastructures Earth Science Research Administration, The Open University of Israel (2009), 98 pp.
  15. Shoval S., "The influence of the lithology, mineralogy and chemical composition on the developed of the collapsed sinkholes along the Dead Sea coast – laboratory study of the petrology, mineralogy and chemistry of the collapsed sediments. Submitted to The Ministry of National Infrastructures Earth Science Research Administration, The Open University of Israel, (2011), 87pp.



Open University Publications (in Hebrew)

  1. Secrets of the Earth
    • Course book: Secrets of the Earth, 26 chapters, second edition, 746 pp. 2011.
    • Viewing guide for the video series Earth Revealed, Scientific editor of the Hebrew version based on the English version by R. U. Lebow. 26 chapters, 460 pp. (updated version, 2007).
  2. Introduction to Earth Sciences
    • Study guide: Units 1-8 (2 volumes), 170 pp. (1980)
    • Chapter 18: “Plate Tectonics and Israel,” with N. Goldman, 30 pp. (1994)
    • Guidebook for Geological Field Trip: The Makhtesh Hatira (1996) 44 pp.
  3. Microscopy of Minerals and Magmatic Rocks
    • Units 1-6: 381 pp. (updated version, 2004)
    • Laboratory Manuals 1-4: 119 pp.
    • Guidebook for Geological Field Trip: The Qarne-Hittin and the Kerem Maharal volcanoes (1996), 40 pp.
  4. Microscopy of Metamorphic and Sedimentary Rocks
    • Units 1-3, 344 pp. (updated version, 2007).
    • Laboratory Manuals 1-4: 136 pp.
    • Guidebook for Geological Field Trip: The Eilat and Timna region (1996), 95 pp.
  5. Geology of Israel
    • Units 1-9: 2 volumes, 588 pp. (updated version, 2007)
    • Guidebooks for Geological Field Trips: Makhtesh Ramon (1999), 85 pp.; The Kinneret Region (1996), 66 pp.
    • Laboratory manual “Fossils of Israel,” 26 pp. (1995).
  6. Oceanography
    • Revised edition, 12 units (in preparation)
    • Guidebook for Geological Field Trip: Carbonate Rocks of the Carmel (1996), 47 pp.

Invited Presentations at Conferences

  1. Shoval S., Some Comparisons between FT-IR and XRD Methods in Quantitative Mineralogical Analyses: Determination of Clay Minerals, Type Structure of Smectites, Crystallinity Index of Quartz and the Firing Temperature of Ancient Pottery. Semaine Franco-Israelienne, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France (December 6-10, 1993).
  2. Shoval S., Champagnon B., Panczer G., Gaft M. and Boudeulle M., Study of the Thermal Transformations in Diaspore and Boehmite by Micro-Raman and Luminescence Spectroscopy. Semaine Franco-Israelienne, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France (December 5-8, 1999).
  3. Shoval S., The Ancient Ceramic Technology in the Biblical Period, Israel. HIP 2000, Hungarian-Israeli-Polish Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Matrahaza, Hungary (May 14-16, 2000).
  4. Shoval S., Argillation of Submarine Volcanic Rocks; A Source for Detrital Smectite Deposited in the Levant Basin During the Tethys Divergence and Convergence. 1st Latin American Clay Conference, Funchal, Maderia, Portugal (September 17-22, 2000).
  5. Shoval S., Relationships between Hydroxyl Starching and Deformation Vibrations in IR Spectra of Smectites. Semaine Franco-Israelienne, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France (December 8-11, 2002).
  6. Shoval S., The Iron-Age Material Technology in the Manufacturing of Functional Vessels, Tel Hadar, Israel. IGC 2004-32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Italy (August 20-28, 2004).
  7. Shoval S., Thermo-FT-IR Spectroscopy Analysis as a Method of Characterizing Ancient Ceramic Technologies. MEDICTA 2005-7th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis, Thessaloniki, Greece (July 2-6, 2005).
  8. Shoval S., Paz Y. and Greenberg R., Patterns of Ceramic Manufacture and Distribution in the Early Bronze Age Golan and Galilee. EUROCLAY 2007, Aveiro, Portugal (July 22-27, 2007).

Geology Websites at the Open University

  1. Main Geology internet page: Teaching Geology at the Open University of Israel
    Glossary of Geology (about 1500 terms, Hebrew-English)
  2. Secrets of the Earth: Geology in the Internet Era
    Photography website (about 170 photographs and their explanations)
  3. Microscopy of Metamorphic and Sedimentary Rocks: Virtual Geology of Israel - The Eilat Mountains National Park Area
    Photography website (about 80 photographs and their explanations)
  4. Geology – Its Applications and Teaching in Israel: A Virtual Geological Museum - The Makhtesh Ramon Geological Park
    Photography website (about 100 photographs and their explanations)
  5. Geology of the Carmel: A Virtual Geology of Mount Carmel
    Photography website (about 185 photographs and their explanations)