ContextBeanBox installation instructions

Before you can proceed with the installation of ContextBeanBox, you need to install Sun's Beans Development Kit 1.1 (BDK1.1). You can find complete installation material and information about BDK1.1 at:

Once you have installed BDK1.1 you can choose how do you want to install ContextBeanBox:

You should also install examples that you need to go over the tutorial.

    Installation of ContextBeanBox as a bean

        This type of installation allows you to use ContextBeanBox at "as needed" bases. It will leave original (Sun's) BeanBox intact, but will allow you to add ContexBeanBox as any other bean into the BeanBox, and after that work with it. This is the preferred way you should install ContextBeanBox.

Installation procedure:

  1. download following four classes and save them into "C:\Program Files\BDK1.1\beanbox\classes\sun\beanbox\" folder, where   "C:\Program Files\BDK1.1\" is folder in witch you have installed BDK1.1.
  2. download ContextBeanBox jar file and save it into "C:\Program Files\BDK1.1\jars" folder.

    Installation of ContextBeanBox over the Sun's BeanBox

        This type of installation should be used only by users that always want to use ContextBeanBox instead of BeanBox. They should first try out ContextBeanBox as a bean in Sun's BDK1.1, and only after that decide if they want to proceed with this type of installation.

WARNING: This type of installation will permanently change your copy of BDK1.1. It is recommended to keep a copy of Sun's BDK1.1 for future needs.

Installation procedure:

  1. download following four classes and save them into "C:\Program Files\BDK1.1\beanbox\classes\sun\beanbox\" folder, where "C:\Program Files\BDK1.1\" is folder in witch you have installed BDK1.1.

    Installation of the examples

        These are the examples that are used in the ContextBeanBox tutorial. Their only purpose is to demonstrate new features of ContextBeanBox, and are not intended to be used for any other purpose.

Installation procedure:

  1. download following two jar files and save them into "C:\Program Files\BDK1.1\beanbox\" folder, where "C:\Program Files\BDK1.1\" is folder in witch you have installed BDK1.1.