Open University of Israel

Division of Computer Science


Date: 17.3.08

Speaker: Nati Linial

Title: Ramanujan Graphs, Lifts and Word Maps


It is well known that the expansion of a graph is tightly controlled by its spectral gap. The well-known Alon-Boppana bound says that a d-regular graph must have eigenvalues which are at least as large as 2sqrt(d-1) - o(1). Graphs that meet this bound are called Ramanujan Graphs. There are still many unresolved questions about the existence of such graphs. In the first part of the talk I will survey this background material. I will then explain what lifts of graphs are and how the above questions can be approached using random lifts of graphs. Finally I will explain the notion of word map which originated in group theory and present some analysis of formal words that bears on the problems related to spectra of lifted graphs.

The more recent work explained here is joint with Doron Puder