The Open University of Israel

Dr. Nurit Taitel-Goldman

Department of Natural Sciences

September 2017


Office: 972-9-7781779

Fax: 972-9-7780661




1977 B.Sc., Geology (extensive curriculum) and Atmospheric Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
1993 M.Sc. (cum laude), The Institute of Earth Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Thesis: Mineralogy of the Argillaceous Strata of the Judean Group in the Jerusalem Hills
Supervisors: Prof. L. Heller-Kallai and Prof. E. Sass
2002 Ph.D., Department of Soil and Water Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Quality Sciences, Rehovot
Dissertation: Characterization and Formation Processes of Hydrothermal Iron Oxides and Clays in the Atlantis II Deep, Red Sea
Supervisor: Prof. A Singer
2002 – 2003 Postdoctoral research, Faculty of Materials Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev: Beersheva. Refinement of Crystallographic Structure of Minerals using X-Ray Diffraction Software and High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy

Academic Appointments

1975 – 1978 Research Assistant, Department of Geology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
1976 – 1978 Teaching Assistant, Department of Geology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
1979 – 1989 Tutor, Introduction to Earth Science, The Open University of Israel
1989 – 2007 Course Coordinator and Tutor, The Open University of Israel: Oceanography, 
1989 – Courses Coordinator and Tutor, The Open University of Israel: Introduction to Earth Science, Oceanography, Microscopy of Minerals and Magmatic Rocks, Microscopy of Metamorphic and Sedimentary Rocks, Geology of Israel, Introduction to Geology
2015- 2017 Courses coordinator The Open University of Israel: Introduction to meteorology, Laboratory in meteorology, Modern Problems in Atmospheric Science.  
2012 – Adjunct lecturer, Department of Soil and Water Sciences, Robert H. Smith, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment,The Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Soil minerals: structure and identification.

Administrative Activities

2003 – 2009
2012 –
Member, Natural and Life Sciences Subcommittee, The Open University of Israel
2005 – 2009 Member, Academic Teaching-Staff Forum
2006 – 2012 Initiation and organization, with Orly KoVo, a colloquium in the Department of Natural Science  in the Open University of Israel.
2014 – Member of discipline committee at the Open University of Israel
2015 – Member of a committee  "promotion of academic teaching staff" at the Open university of Israel.


Fields of Research


Scholarships and Awards

1973 Faculty of Sciences Scholarship, The Hebrew University of Israel
1974, 1977 Faculty of Sciences Award, The Hebrew University of Israel
1977 Delek Foundation Award for Young Researchers
1978 Theodore Dicker and Menahem Shraga Prize, The Institute of Earth Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2000 The Open University of Israel Research Authority Doctoral Student Award

Sponsored Research

1998 Open University of Israel Research Grant: Electron microscopy study of hydrothermal minerals
1998 Hebrew University of Jerusalem Travel and Research Grant: Electron transmission microscopy and Mössbauer spectroscopy of iron oxides (in Denmark and Germany)
1999 Open University of Israel Research Authority Grant: Electron microscopy study of hydrothermal minerals of the Atlantis and Thetis Deeps of the Red Sea
2002 Open University of Israel Research Authority Research Grant: Study of the hydrothermal minerals in Atlantis II and Thetis Deeps, Red Sea
2004 Open University of Israel Research Authority Research Grant: Study of the hydrothermal minerals in chain, Discovery Atlantis II and Thetis Deeps, Red Sea
2004 Open University of Israel Research Authority Research Grant (bench-fee): Synthesis of nano-sized magnetite
2004 Open University of Israel Research Authority Research Grant: Magnetite crystallographic characterization
2008 Open University of Israel Research Authority Research Grant (bench-fee): Iron oxides in the Dead Sea area
2009 Open University of Israel Research Authority Research Grant (bench-fee): Rubefication of sand-stones
2011 Open University of Israel Research Authority Research Grant (bench-fee): Iron oxides surrounding springs the Dead-Sea area.

Referee of a chapter in a book or a paper


Membership in Professional Societies


Teaching Open University Courses


Other Teaching Experience

1991 – 2005 Online courses for science teachers in Geology and Physical Geography, The TAMID Project, The Open University of Israel
2001 – Guiding seminar papers and research projects in geology  in several courses in the Open University.

Other Professional Activities

1994 Research scientist, Geomar – The Research Centre for Marine Sciences, Kiel, Germany
1995 Guided a field-trip, Bilateral Spain-Israel Conference
1997 The Synchrotron X-Ray Methods in Clay Science Workshop, The Eleventh International Clay Conference, Ottawa, Canada
1998 Research Scientist, in collaboration with Prof. Christian Bender Koch, The Technological University of Denmark (DTU)
1998 Research Scientist, in collaboration with Prof. Udo Schwertmann and Dr. Josef Friedl, Munich University, Freising, Germany
1998 Secretary and Conference Organizer, The Israel Group for Clay Research
2000 Secretary and Conference Organizer, The Israel Group for Clay Research
2003 The Quantitative X-ray Diffraction Analysis Workshop, TEM, SEM, and AFM in Materials and Clay Science, Euroclay, Modena, Italy, 22-26 June
2003 – 2006 Member, The Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (CNMNC), The International Mineralogical Association
2014 – 2016 President of the "Israel Society for Clay Research"
2015 Member in judging committee of the best poster in the Israel geological society conference
2016 Invited lecture to the Open University council. "Past: Mediterranean Dead Sea Canal. Present: Peace Conduit, Future?"

List of Publications

Book and chapter in a book 

  1. Taitel-Goldman, Nurit, Nano sized iron-oxides and clays of the Red Sea hydrothermal deeps: Characterization and formation processes (VDM Verlag 2009), 128pp., ISBN-10: 3639203739
  2. Taitel-Goldman, Nurit, 2013, Recrystallization processes involving iron oxides in natural environments and In vitro, in: P. Wilson (editor) Recent developments in the study of recrystallization. InTech  - open science  - open minds, Rijeka, Croatia  ISBN 978-953-51-0962-4

  3. Taitel-Goldman, Nurit, 2015, Crystallization of Fe and Mn oxides and hydroxides in saline and hyper saline environments and in vitro. in: Mastay Y (editor) Advanced Topics in Crystallization. InTech - open access - open minds-  Rijeka, Croatia  DOI: 10.5772/58651.               

Articles in Refereed Journals

  1. Katz, A. and Taitel, N., 1977, Matrix problems in the determination of lithium by flameless (HGA) atomic-absorption spectrometry and their solution. Talanta, 24, 132-134.
  2. Katz, A., Starinsky, A., Taitel-Goldman, N. and M. Beyth, 1981, Solubilities of Gypsum and Halite in the Dead Sea and in its mixture with seawater. Limnol. Oceanogr., 26, 709-716.
  3. Taitel-Goldman, N., Heller-Kallai, L. and Sass, E., 1995, Clay minerals and feldspars in argillaceous strata of the Judea Group in the Jerusalem Hills, Isr. J. Earth Sci., 44, 71-79.
  4. Taitel-Goldman, N. and Singer, A., 2001, High-Resolution Transmission Electron microscopy study of newly formed sediments in the Atlantis II Deeps, Red Sea. Clays and Clay Minerals, 49, 174-182.
  5. Taitel-Goldman, N., Bender-Koch, C., and Singer, A., 2002, Lepidocrocite in hydrothermal sediments of the Atlantis II and Thetis Deeps, Red Sea. Clays and Clay Minerals, 50, 186-197.
  6. Taitel-Goldman, N. and Singer A., 2002, Synthesis of clay-sized iron oxides under marine hydrothermal conditions. Clay Minerals, 37, 719-731.
  7. Taitel-Goldman, N. and Singer A., 2002, Metastable Si-Fe phases in hydrothermal sediments of Atlantis II Deep, Red Sea. Clay Minerals, 37, 221-234.
  8. Taitel-Goldman, N., Bender-Koch, C., and Singer, A., 2004, Si-associated goethite in hydrothermal sediments of the Atlantis II and Thetis Deeps, Red Sea. Clays and Clay Minerals, 52, 115-129.
  9. Taitel-Goldman, N., Ezerski, V. and Mogilyanski, D., 2008, Study of Mn-siderite - rhodochrosite from the hydrothermal sediments of the Atlantis II Deep, Red Sea. Isr. J. Earth Sci., 57, 45-54.
  10. Taitel-Goldman, N., Ezerski, V. and Mogilyanski, D., 2009, High resolution transmission electron microscopy study of Fe-Mn oxides in the hydrothermal sediments of the Red Sea Deeps system, Clays and Clay Minerals, 57, 4, 465-475.
  11. Taitel-Goldman, N., Ezerski, V. and Mogilyanski, D., 2016, Nano-sized iron-oxides in the Dead Sea area. Journal of Earth Sciences 2 94-104.

Articles in refereed conference proceedings

  1. Taitel-Goldman, N., Singer, A. and Stoffers, P., 1999, A new short-range ordered, Fe-Si phase in the Atlantis II Deep, Red Sea hydrothermal sediments, in Clays for our Future, H. Kodama, A.R. Mermut and J.K. Torrance (eds.), Proceedings, Eleventh International Clay Conference, Ottawa, 1997. Published by the ICC97 Organizing Committee, Ottawa, 697-705.

Open University books

  1. Shoval, S. and Goldman, N., 1994, Plate Tectonics and Israel, Chapter 18 in E. Mazor, Geology with an Israeli hammer, pp. 485-514
  2. Mazor, E. and Taitel-Goldman, N. , 2012, Geology with an Israeli hammer and Envirnmental care (2nd edition) 553 Pp.   

Other Open University publications

  1. Scientific editing of the Hebrew translation of 26 video films, The Earth Revealed, 8 video films: Oceanography, 1992.
  2. Laboratory Manual (with S. Shoval), Geology of Israel: Fossils, 1995.
  3. Laboratory Manual (with S. Shoval), Oceanography: Introduction, 1996.
  4. Laboratory Manual (with S. Shoval), Introduction to Earth Science: Minerals and Rocks, 1996.
  5. Laboratory Manual (with S. Shoval), Oceanography: Chemistry, 1996.
  6. Guidebook for geological field trip, Introduction to Geology: From the Mountain to the Rift Valley, 2005 (updated version, 2006).
  7. Guidebook for geological field trip, Introduction to Geology: From the Mountain to the Seashore, 2005 (updated version, 2017).
  8. Laboratory Manual, Oceanography: Oceanography, 2007.

Course websites

  1. Computerized laboratories and field-trips, for Oceanography
  2. Computerized laboratories and field-trips, for Microscopy of Minerals and Magmatic Rocks
  3. Computerized laboratories and field-trips, for Microscopy of Metamorphic and Sedimentary Rocks
  4. Computerized laboratory and field-trips, for The Geology of Israel
  5. Computerized laboratories and field-trips, for Introduction to Earth Science
  6. Computerized field-trips, for Introduction to Geology

Research reports

  1. Katz, A., Taitel, N., Starinsky, A. and Beyth, M., 1977, Dead Sea Chemical Reaction to the Mediterranean-Dead Sea Canal Project (Hebrew).

Selected Conference Presentations

  1. Katz, A., Taitel, N., Starinsky, A. and Beyth, M., 1978, Dead Sea chemical reaction to the Mediterranean-Dead Sea Canal Project. The Fourth Mine Engineering Conference, 231-233 (Hebrew).
  2. Shoval, S., Saar, H., Goldman, N., Levi, D. and Gaft, M., 1991, Infra-Red Spectra of Clays from Makhtesh Ramon,Israel (Hebrew). The Annual Meeting of The Israel Society of Clay Research, 9-21.
  3. S. Shoval, Gaft, M., Goldman, N. and Kirsh, Y., Presence and Distribution of Uranyl-Ion in Mishash Cherts Investigated by Luminescence. Abstract, Proceedings, Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Ashkelon, 30 March-1 April 1992, 139-140.
  4. Taitel-Goldman, N. 1993, Mineralogy of clay and marl beds within the Judea group in Jerusalem area. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Arad, 131.
  5. Shuval, S. and Goldman, N., 1993, The ancient technology of cement for plaster and building materials, Tel Michal. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Arad, 125.
  6. Shoval, S. and Goldman, N., 1995, Magnesian-rich illite in Mohila formation at Makhtesh Ramon, Israel. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Arad, 108.
  7. Shoval, S. and Goldman, N., 1995, Magnesian-rich illite in evaporites of Makhtesh Ramon, Israel, Euroclay '95,Leuven, 428-429.
  8. Goldman, N. and Singer, A., 1996, First results, Atlantis II Deep, Red Sea. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Eilat, 35.
  9. Taitel-Goldman, N., Singer, A., and Stoffers, P. 1997, New mineral phase in Atlantis II Deep, Red Sea hydrothermal sediments. The Eleventh International Clay Conference 15-21 June 72, Ottawa, Canada.
  10. Taitel-Goldman, N. and Singer, A., 1998, Short range ordered minerals in the Atlantis II Deep, Red Sea hydrothermal sediments. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Mitzpeh Ramon, 102.
  11. Taitel-Goldman, N. and Singer, A., 1998, Short-range ordered minerals in the Atlantis II Deep, Red Sea hydrothermal sediments. Israel Society of Clay Research Annual Meeting, 11.
  12. Taitel-Goldman, N. and Singer, A., 2000, HRTEM study of most recent sediments in the Atlantis II Deep,Red Sea. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Maalot, 121.
  13. Taitel-Goldman, N. and Singer, A., 2000, Si-associated iron oxides in the Atlantis II and Thetis Deeps,Red Sea. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Maalot, 122.
  14. Taitel-Goldman, N. and Singer, A., 2001, Si-associated iron oxides and Si-Fe short range ordered phases in newly formed sediments of the Atlantis II Deep, Red Sea. 2001 – A Clay Odyssey: The 12th International Clay Conference, and The Third International Symposium on Activated Clays, 22-28 July, Bahia Blanca, Argentina, 227.
  15. Taitel-Goldman, N. and Singer, A., 2001, Metastable Si-Fe phases in hydrothermal sediments of Atlantis II Deep. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Eilat, 122.
  16. Taitel-Goldman, N. and Singer A. 2001, Synthesis of clay-sized iron oxides under marine hydrothermal conditions. Israel Society of Clay Research Annual Meeting, 2.
  17. Taitel-Goldman, N., Bender-Koch, C. and Singer, A. 2002, Si-associated goethite in hydrothermal sediments of the Atlantis II and Thetis Deeps, Red Sea. Third Mediterranean Clay Meeting, Jerusalem, Israel, 38.
  18. Taitel-Goldman, N. and Singer, A., 2002, Calculated settling velocity of authigenic clays and iron oxides in the Atlantis II Deep, Red Sea. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Ma'agan, 119.
  19. Taitel-Goldman, N. and Singer A., 2003, Metastable Si-Fe phases in hydrothermal sediments of Atlantis II Deep, Red Sea, Abstracts, Euroclay 2003: Tenth Conference of the European Clay Groups Association, 22-26 June, Modena, Italy 265-266.
  20. Taitel-Goldman, N. and Singer, A. 2003, Synthesis of clay-sized iron oxides under marine hydrothermal conditions, Euroclay 2003: Tenth Conference of the European Clay Groups Association, 22-26 June, Modena, Italy, 266-267.
  21. Taitel-Goldman, N., Ezersky, V., Mogilyanski, D., and Singer, A., 2003, Mangano-siderite (oligonite) and Rhodochrosite in the hydrothermal sediments of Atlantis II Deep, Red Sea, Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Ein-Bokek. 122.
  22. Taitel-Goldman, N., Ezekiel, J., and Mogilyanski, D., 2004, Magnetite synthesis in hot brines – first results, Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Hagoshrim, 108.
  23. Taitel-Goldman, N. and Ezekiel, J., 2004, Clay minerals and iron oxides in the Nubian sand stones of Hatira formation, Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Hagoshrim, 109.
  24. Taitel-Goldman, N., Ezersky, V., and Mogilyanski, D., 2004, Mangano-siderite and Rhodochrosite in the hydrothermal sediments of Atlantis II Deep, Red Sea, Israel Society for Clay Research Annual Meeting, 26.
  25. Bender Koch, C., Taitel-Goldman, N., and Singer, A., 2005, The roles of Si in crystalline iron oxides from hydrothermal sediments of the Atlantis II and Thetis Deeps, Red Sea, ICAME 2005: International Conference on the Applications of the Mossbauer Effect: 5-9 September 2005, Montpellier, France.
  26. Taitel-Goldman, N., Ezekiel, J., and Mogilyanski, D., 2005, Synthesis of sub-micron magnetite in hot NaCl solutions. Israel Society for Clay Research Annual Meeting, 19.
  27. Taitel-Goldman, N. and Ezersky, V., 2007, Fe-Mn Hydrothermal oxides in Thetis Atlantis II Chain and Discovery submarine Deeps, Red Sea. Israel Society for Clay Research, Annual Meeting, 5.
  28. Taitel-Goldman, N., 2008, Iron oxides in the Thetis Deep. Israel Geological Society, Annual Meeting, Nazareth, 108.
  29. Taitel-Goldman, N., Ezerski, V. and Mogilyanski, D., 2008, Fe oxyhydroxides in the hydrothermal Deeps of the Red Sea. Mid European Clay Conference, Zakopane, Poland, 162.
  30. Taitel-Goldman, N., Ezerski, V. and Mogilyanski, D., 2010, Rubefaction of quartz grains in sand dunes and red sandy soils – initial results. Israel society of clay research. Annual meeting. P 7
  31. Taitel-Goldman, N., 2011, Mineralogical and geological aspects of silicates. Invited lecture, Conference of the Israeli Association of Occupational Medicine, 12 January 2011.
  32. Taitel-Goldman, N., Ezerski, V. and Mogilyanski, D., 2011, Study of nano-sized iron-oxides in hyper-saline environment of the Dead-Sea, Israel - initial results.  Israel society of clay research. Annual meeting.  3.
  33. Taitel-Goldman, N., Ezerski, V. and Mogilyanski, D., 2014, Nano-sized iron-oxides in the dead Sea area, Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Ein-Bokek.  90.
  34. Taitel-Goldman, N., Ezerski, V. and Mogilyanski, D., 2015, Iron oxides from the Dead Sea area. Israel Society for Clay Research, Annual Meeting.
  35. Taitel-Goldman, N., Ezerski, V. and Mogilyanski, D., 2015, Iron-oxides in the hyper-saline environment of the Dead Sea area. Euroclay 2015 Ediburgh  UK. 111.
  36. Sandler A. and Goldman N., 2017, Reddening (rubification) processes in Mediterranean soils: relations between iron minerals and clay minerals. Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting, Mitspe Ramon.