חדש על המדף


The Changing Face of Form Criticism for the Twenty-First Century

Marvin A. Sweeny & Ehud Ben-Zvi (editors)



"This book on form criticism appears at a significant moment. What has been on the way for a generation is here set forth programmatically - namely, the difference between past and new foundations for the field of form - critical study. This book captures form criticism's transition from an original focus on the realities behind the biblical literatures to a new focus on their own realities... The time has passed when one might have stayed away from the form criticism of the past. Avoiding form criticism now will only result in a serious impairment of the whole of biblical interpretation."


Rolf P. Knierim, Claremont Graduate University


Marvin A. Sweeny is professor of Hebrew Bible at the Claremont School of Theology and professor of religion at the Claremont Graduate University. Ehud Ben-Zvi is professor of religious studies at the University of Alberta, Edmonton.