חדש על המדף


Chemistry in Context: Applying Chemistry to Society

Fourth Edition

Conrad L. Stanitski and others

A Project of the American Chemical Society



Following in the tradition of its first three editions, the goal of Chemistry in Context, fourth edition, is to establish chemical principles on a need-to-know basis within a contextual framework of significant social, political, economic, and ethical issues. We believe that by using this approach, students not majoring in a science develop critical thinking ability, the chemical knowledge and competence to better assess risks and benefits, and the skills that lead to be able to make informed and reasonable decisions about technology-based-issues. The word "context" derives from the Latin word meaning "to weave". Thus, the spider web motif on the cover, used for the first three editions, continues with this edition because a web exemplifies the complex connections between chemistry and society.


Chemistry in Context is not traditional chemistry book for non-science majors. In this book, chemistry is woven into the web of life. The chapter titles of Chemistry in Context reflect today's technological issues and the chemistry principles embedded within them. Global warming, alternate fuels, nutrition, and genetic engineering are examples of such issues. To understand and respond thoughtfully in an informed manner to this vitally important issues, students must know the chemical principles that underlie the socio-technological issues. This book presents those principles as needed, in a manner intended to better prepare students to be well-informed citizens.