Developing and Validating Multiple-Choice Test Items (Third edition)

Thomas M. Haladyna                                                                                                          


This book is intended for anyone seriously interested in designing and validating multiple-choice test items that measure understanding of knowledge, cognitive skills, and the application of knowledge and skills to more complex cognitive behavior such as critical thinking and problem solving. The most comprehensive and authoritative book on this topic, this edition has been extensively revised to include:


  • More information about the nature of content and matching items to construct standards.
  • A new set of guidelines on writing multiple-choice items with more examples.
  • A new chapter featuring exemplary item formats and items.
  • A greatly improved chapter on item generation methods.
  • A more extensive set of reference to past and current work in the area of multiple-choice item writing and validation.


This edition will be of interest to anyone who develops test items for testing programs as well as for teachers and graduate students who desire to learn more about the capabilities of multiple-choice test items to measure understanding and other types of higher level thinking.


Developing and Validating Multiple-Choice Test Items