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Bat-Zion Eraqi Klorman, Professor

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The Open University of Israel Department of History,Philosophy and Judaic Studies 1 University Road P.O.B. 808 Ra’anana 4353701, Israel
Office: +972-54-4803151 Email:bater@openu.ac.il

Ph.D., History, University of California, Los Angeles
M.A., History, University of California, Los Angeles
B.A., Near Eastern Studies, University of California, Los Angeles
Tel Aviv University, Middle East Studies
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Islam and Middle East Studies
1991- 2016
Department of History, Philosophy and Judaic Studies, The Open University of Israel
Faculty of Agriculture, Hebrew University, Rehovot
Faculty of Humanities, Hebrew University, Rehovot
Department of Religious Studies, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
Department of History, Ben Gurion University, Beer-Sheba
Board Member, Association for Israel Studies
Member, Academic Committee, Center
for the Study of Ethiopian Jewry's Heritage
2015 – 2018
Director, Center for the Study of Yemeni Jewry, Ben-Zvi Institute, Jerusalem
2014 – 2016
Member, the Appointment Committee for the Ranks of Associate 
Professors and Full Professors
2012 – 2015
Dean of Academic Studies, the Open University
2011 – 2015
Founder & first Director, Center for the Study of Relations Between Jews, Christians, Muslims (JCMcenter), the Open University, Raanana
2009 – 2013
Member, The Academic Committee, Center for the Study of Yemeni Jewry, Ben-Zvi Institute
2008 – 2012
Chair, Department of History, Philosophy and Judaic Studies, The Open University of Israel
2008 – 2016
Member, The Open University Senate
2005 – 2015
Member, Executive Committee, The Middle East & Islamic Studies Association of Israel (MEISAI)
2005 – 2015
Chair, The Middle East & Islamic Studies Association of Israel (MEISAI), Open University Branch
2005 – 2008
Member, Academic Committee, Center for the Study of Eretz Yisrael and its Settlement, Yad Ben-Zvi and the Open University
2004 – 2007
Member, Executive Committee, Society for the Study of Ethiopian Jewry (SOSTEJE)
2001 – 2016
Member, Executive Committee, Beth Nehama and Yair Library For Yemeni Jewish Studies

The Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA)

The American Institute for Yemeni Studies (AIYS)

Association for Israel Studies (AIS)

Association for Jewish Studies (AJS)

The Middle East and Islamic Studies Association of Israel (MEISAI) 

The World Union of Jewish Studies

Shabazi Prize, for Contribution to the Study of Yemeni Jewish Heritage and the Culture of the Jewish People
1995 - 2005
Diaspora Research Institute, Tel-Aviv University, Research Fellow
2007 - 2008
Research Authority Award, The Open University
2005 - 2007
Research Authority Award, The Open University
1996 - 1997
Research Institute for the History of JNF, Land and Settlement, Research Award
Museum of Rishon Le-Zion, Research Award

2018 -       Chair of the General Assembly, Maccabi Health Care Organization

2000 –      Member of the Board of Directors, Maccabi Health Care Organization

2000 –      Member of various Maccabi Board of Directors' committees

2016 -  Steering Committee Member, Center for the Heritage of Yemeni Jewry and Israel Communities (Rehovot)

2018 -                Steering Committee Member, Rosh Ha`ayin Museum

2017 -                Member of the Academic Committee, Center for Ethiopian Jews' Heritage

Messainism in the Jewish Community of Yemen in the Nineteenth Century, University of California, Los Angeles (1981)
Advisor: Prof. Amos Funkenstein

Traditional Society in Transition: The Yemeni Jewish Experience, Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2014.

The Jews of Yemen: History, Society, Culture, Vol. 3, Raanana: The Open University, 2008 (in Hebrew).

The Jews of Yemen: History, Society, Culture, Vol. 2, Raanana: The Open University, 2004 (in Hebrew).

Messianism and Messiahs: The Jews of Yemen in the Nineteenth Century, Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing House, Heilal Ben Haim Series, Tel- Aviv 1995 (in Hebrew).

The Jews of Yemen In The Nineteenth Century: A Portrait Of A Messianic Community, E. J. Brill, 1993.

Yemeni Jews in Eretz Israel (Anthology), Raanana & Jerusalem: The Open Univesity and Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi, 2006.

Aharon Eraqi, Memories: Life in Rishon Le-Zion, Rishon Le- Zion 2001 (in Hebrew).

“The Ottoman Era in Yemen and Jewish Emigration (1881-1914),” in From Empire(s) to Nation-States: Population Displacements and Multiple Mobilities in the Late Ottoman Empire,” edited by Bettina Severin-Barboutie and Catherine Horel, Leiden: Brill (forthcoming 2021).

"Jewish Emigration from the South Arabian Peninsula: The Broader Context of the 19th and 20th Centuries," in The Long History of Mizrahim: New Directions in the Study of Jews from Muslim Countries, edited by Aviad Moreno, Noah S. Gerber, Esther Meir-Glitzenstein, and Ofer Shiff, Sde Boker: The Ben Gurion Research Institute, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, 2021, pp. 256 - 283 (in Hebrew).

"Au royaume de Saba: les Juifs yemenites" in Edith Bruder (ed.), Juifs d’ailleurs Diasporas oubliיes, identitיs singulieres, ed., Paris: Albin Michel 2020, pp. 59-68. 

"The Attitude of the Yishuv Leadership to Yemeni Jews -- Background for Understanding the Phenomenon of the Missing Children in Early Israel," in Tova Gamliel and Nathan Shifriss (eds.), The Children of the Heart: New Aspects of Research on the Yemenite Children Affair, Tel Aviv: Resling 2019, pp. 55-74. (in Hebrew)

"Yemeni Jews En Route to Palestine by Way of Aden during the Mandate Period 1920-1948," in Rachel Yadid & Danny Bar-Maoz, eds., Ascending the Palm Tree: An Anthology of the Yemenite Jewish Heritage, New York: E`ele Be-Tamar, 2018, pp. 306-333.

“"Secular Trends and Tradition: Post Immigration Debates and Practices among Yemeni Jews," Festschrift on behalf of Norman Stillman, ed. Carsten Schapkow, Leiden & Boston: Brill 2015, pp. 214-234. 

“The Bowl of Soup - Jews Converting to Islam in Yemen,”  in Aaron Layish (ed.),  Conversion, Sufism, Revival and Reform in Islam: Essays in Memory of Nehemia Levtzion: Van Leer Institute, 2012, pp.49-81 (in Hebrew).

“Muslim and Jewish Interactions in the Tribal Sphere,” in Michael Laskier and Ya`akov Lev (eds.), Judaism and Islam, Gainesville: Florida University Press 2011, pp. 125-137.

“Failed Attempts: Modern Jewish Education in Yemen,” in Aharon Gimani and Shaul Regev (eds.), The Jews of Yemen: Studies in the History and Heritage of Yemen's Jewry(Bar Ilan University Press: Ramat-Gan, 2010, pp. 94-116, (in Hebrew).

“The 'Other' in the Political Culture of the Moshava,” in Yaffah Berlowitch (ed.), Conversing Culture with The First Aliyya(Tel-Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing House, 2010, pp. 157-175, (in Hebrew).

“Yemeni Rabbis' Response to Secularism and Modernity in Israel,” in Zvi Zohar (ed.), Rabbi Uzziel and His Peers: Studies in the Religious Thought of Oriental Rabbis in 20th Century Israel (Jerusalem: Rabbi Uzziel Institute and the Institute for the Study of Zionism at Tel-Aviv University, 2009, pp. 211-229 (in Hebrew).

“Enlightenment, Judaism, Islam and the Kabbala Dispute in Yemen: Social and Cultural Considerations,” in Meir Litvak and Ora Limor (eds.), Radicalism and Religious Fanaticism(Jerusalem: The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History, 2007), pp. 133-180 (in Hebrew).

“Yemeni Jewish Historiography and the Formation of National Identity,” in Henry Wasserman and Yossi Dahan (eds.), To Invent a Nation, The Open University Press: Raanana 2006, pp. 299-330 (in Hebrew).

Introduction,”in Haim Saadoun (ed.), Yemen - Jewish Communities in the East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth CenturySeries(Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi institute, 2002), pp. 11-20 (in Hebrew).

The Jews in their Environment,” in Haim Saadoun (ed.), Yemen - Jewish Communities in the East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Series(Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute, 2002), pp. 21-30 (in Hebrew).

“The Jews in the Economy,” in Haim Saadoun (ed.), Yemen - Jewish Communities in the East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Series(Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute , 2002), pp. 43-49 (in Hebrew).

“Messianism and Messianic Movements,” in Haim Saadoun (ed.), Yemen - Jewish Communities in the East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth CenturySeries (Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute , 2002), pp. 107-114 (in Hebrew).

“The Jews of Yemen,” in R. Simon, M. Laskier and S. Reguer (eds.), The Jews of the Modern Middle East and North Africa (New York: Columbia University Press, 2003), pp. 389-408.

“The Yemeni Messiah in the Time of Maimonides: Prelude for Future Messiahs,” in Y.K. Stillman and N.A. Stillman (eds.), From Iberia to Diaspora: Studies in Sephardic History and Culture(Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1999), pp. 129-138.

“Exile and the Land of Israel in the Writings of Yemeni Jewish Scholars,” in Aviezer Ravitzki (ed.), Eretz Yisrael in Modern Jewish Thought(Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute, 1998), pp. 381-390 (in Hebrew).

“Messianic Motifs in‘Yavne’eli’s Immigration’ 1911-1914,” in S. Gamliel, M. M. Caspi, S, Avizemer (eds.), Orhot Teman(Jerusalem: The Shalom Research Center, 1984) pp. 73-78 (in Hebrew).

“Messianic Motifs in the Book of Thought by Rabbi Sa’adia Mansura,” in S. Seri (ed.), Se’i Yona: The Jews of Yemen in Israel(Tel-Aviv: E’ele be-Tamar, 1983), pp. 27-34 (in Hebrew).

“Darda'im,” Enzyklopadie Judischer Geschichte und Kultur (Encyclopedia of Jewish History and Culture), ed. Dan Diner, Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, January 2012, pp.60-66 (in German)

“Dor De`a School in San`a,” in Norman A. Stillman, ed., Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World(Leiden: Brill, 2010, Vol. 2, pp. 27-28), Brill Online, http://brillonline.nl

“Messianism,”in Norman A. Stillman, ed., Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World(Leiden: Brill, 2010, Vol. 3, pp. 405-408), Brill Online, http://brillonline.nl

“Yemen”(coverage), in Norman A. Stillman, ed., Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World(Leiden: Brill, 2010, Vol. 4, pp. 627-639), Brill Online, http://brillonline.nl

"The Missing Yemeni Children Affair – How could it Happen"? Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary e- Journal Vol 17, no. 2 (2020), pp. 1-10.

"`Even if I am a woman, I will not let these men to accomplish their plan' – Yemeni women's struggle for their civil rights in Mandate Palestine," Hakkivun Mizrah 33, October 2018, pp. 61-63.

“The Jews of Yemen.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Jewish Studies. Ed. Naomi Seidman. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.

"Testament and Inheritance Reflecting Family Dynamics in Jewish Yemen in the 19th Century," Journal of Family History, 39 (1), (2014), pp. 61-71.

Encounters in Eritrea and in Ethiopia: Yemeni Jews and Adeni Jews, A Minority within A Minority under Italian Colonialism, "Pe'amin, 122-123 (2010), pp.41-46 (in Hebrew).

“Yemen, Aden and Ethiopia: Jewish Emigration and Italian Colonialism,” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (JRAS), Series 3, 19, 4 (October 2009), pp. 415-426.

“Society, Economy, Religion and Magic: Jews and Muslims in the Tribal Space,” Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Folklore, 26 (2009), pp. 67-86 (in Hebrew).

“Muslim Society as an Alternative: Jews Converting to Islam,” Jewish Social Studies, 14 (Fall 2007), pp. 88-117.

“Women Resisting Men: Inheritance and Disinheritance in the Yemenite Jewish Community in Mandatory Palestine,” Nashim, 11 (2006), pp. 126-141.

“We and the Savages - Jews and Muslims in Tribal Yemen,” Zmanim, 92 (2005), pp. 54-61 (in Hebrew).

“Yemeni Jews and the Labor Movement: Cultural-Ideological Distinction or Ethnic and Economic Discrimination - Comments on Yosef Gorny’s article: ‘The Strength and Weaknesses of Constructive Paternalism: The Second Aliyah Leaders’ Image of the Yemenite Jews’,” Katharsis, 2 (2004), pp. 53-68 (in Hebrew).

“Yemeni Jews in the Moshavot’s Society and Economy,” Israel, 4 (2003), pp. 109-121 (in Hebrew).

“The Forced Conversion of Jewish Orphans in Yemen,” International Journal of Middle East Studies, 33:1 (February 2001), pp. 23-47.

“Aharon Afgin and his Account on the Jewish Immigration from Northern Yemen,” Pe’amim, 84 (2000), pp. 88-103 (in Hebrew).

“‘Ilegal’ Immigration of Yemeni Jews to Palestine during the 1920s and 1930s,” Miqedem Umiyam, 7 (2000), pp. 121-133 (in Hebrew).

“Messianism in Yemen: Unique Expression for an Old Ideology,” Pe’amin, 75 (1998), pp. 153-164 (in Hebrew).

“Settlement of Yemeni and Ashkenazi Workers: From Rishon le-Zion to Nahalat Yehuda and Back,” Cathedra, 84 (1997), pp. 85-106 (in Hebrew).

“Conversion of Orphans in Yemen: Jewish Response and the Behavior of Muslims,” Pe’amin, 62 (1995), pp. 82-110 (in Hebrew).

“The Epistle of the Messiah Shukr Kuhayl II to the Jews of Haydan (1868),” Pe’amin, 64 (1995), pp. 103-107 (in Hebrew).

“Muslim Supporters of Jewish Messiahs in Yemen,” Middle Eastern Studies, 29, 4 (October 1993), pp. 714-725.

“Messiahs and Rabbis: The Yemeni Experience,” Revue des etudes juives, CLI, 1-2, (1992), pp. 77-94.

“Jewish and Muslim Messianism,” International Journal of Middle East Studies, 22, 2 (May 1990), pp. 201-228.

“The Messiah Shukr Kuhayl II (1868-1875) and His Tithe (ma’aser): Ideology and Practice as A Means to Hasten Redemption,” Jewish Quarterly Review, 79, 2-3 (1988), pp. 199-217; reprinted in Marc Saperstein (ed.), Essential Papers on Messianic Movements and Personalities in Jewish History (New York: New York University Press, 1992), pp. 456-472.

“Jewish Messianism and Muslim Messianism in Yemen in the Nineteenth Century - Intercultural Encounter,” Pe’amim, 25 (1985), pp. 40-64 (in Hebrew).

“The Sabbatian Movement in Yemen,” Pe’amim, 15 (1983), pp. 47-57 (in Hebrew).

“Messianic Expressions in the Jewish Yemeni Immigrations to Palestine 1881-1914,” Pe’amim, 10 (1981), pp. 21-35 (in Hebrew).

"Yemen: Religion, Magic and Jews," Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 39 (2009): 201-210, Archaeopress Oxford [Peer reviewed].

“The Attitudes of Yemeni Rabbis Towards 19th Century Jewish Messianic Figures,” Proceedings of the Tenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 1990, pp.355-362.

A Woman Entered Shabazi's Hall of Fame – A Review Essay on the Movie: Mori the Puzzle of Shabazi," director: Israela Shaer-Meoded, Ha`ivrim Series, Haokets, 7 November 2018

Wagner, Mark S. Jews and Islamic Law in Early 20th Century Yemen, Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2015. Reviewed in Modern Jewish Studies, 17, 3, (2018), pp. 387-388

Ali Al-Muqri, The Handsome Jew, Haifa: Pardes Publishing House, 2017, Translated into Hebrew by Yehuda Shenhav-Shahrabani. Reviewed in Hamizrah Hehadash, 57 (2018), pp. 179-182 (in Hebrew).

Myers, Jody, Seeking Zion: Modernity and Messianic Activism in the Writings of Tsevi Hirsch Kalischer, Oxford, Portland: The Litman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2003, Cathedra, 126 (2007), pp. 165-168 (in Hebrew).

Parfitt, Tudor, The Road to Redemption: The Jews of the Yemen 1900-1950, Leiden, New York, Koln: E. J. Brill, 1996. Reviewed in Zion, 62, 1 (1997), pp. 94-98 (in Hebrew).

"The Departure of the Jews from Yemen in 1949-1950: The Conclusion of a Long Process," Et-Mol, 237 (2014), 19-22 (in Hebrew).

Ymeni Jews in Rishon Le- Zion: from the Second Aliya to the Twenty First Century, "Et- Mol, Ben Zvi Institute, September 2012.

"One Hundred Years to the Settlement of Yemeni Jews in Rishon Le- Zion", An Introduction to the Exhibition: "One Hundred Years to Yemeni Jews in Rishon Le-Zion", Rishon Le-Zion Museum, Rishon Le-Zion 2010.

“Kabbalah, Enlightenment and the 'Iqshim and Darda`im' Dispute,” Meqorot, 2 (2008), pp. 18-23.

“Zionist Ideology, the Zionist Narrative and the Jews of Yemen,” Afiqim, 129-130 (2008), pp. 11-13.

“The Judicial System in Yemen and the Property Rights of Women in Palestine,” Tehuda, 24 (2007), pp. 9-12 (in Hebrew).

“Family Life and Family Law in Yemen,” Afiqim, 127-128 (2006), pp. 50-52 (in Hebrew).

“Jewish Immigration from Yemen during the Mandate: Between the Policies of Yemen, Great Britain and the Jewish Agency,” in Shalom Seri (ed.), Ancient Customs of the Yemenite Jewish Community, Tel-Aviv: E’ele be-Tamar, 2005, pp. 267-286 (in Hebrew).

“Jewish Immigration from Yemen to Palestine during the Ottoman Period,” in Y. Dehuh Halevi (ed.) Mikhtav Le-Yona, Tel-Aviv: Afiqim, 2004, pp. 275-297 (in Hebrew).

“Rabbi Kook and the Ritual Slaughtering of Yemeni Jews,” Afiqim, 117-118 (2000), pp. 56-58, 63 (in Hebrew).

“Neve-Shalom and the Yemeni Jewish Settlement in Palestine in the 1920s-1930s,” Tehuda, 18 (1998), pp. 25-33 (in Hebrew).

“The Messiah in Yemen in the Twelfth Century,” in Yosef Dahuh-Halevi (ed.), Mabu’ei Afiqim, Tel-Aviv: Afiqim, 1996, pp 517-524 (in Hebrew).

“Rural Jews in the Society and Economy of Yemen,” Tehuda, 15 (1995), pp. 41-46 (in Hebrew).

2008 – 2011 Co-Editor, Hamizrah Hehadash: Journal of The Middle East & Islamic Studies Association of Israel (in Hebrew)

From Southern Arabia to East Africa: Jewish immigration, Social Encounters and Italian Colonialism," Conference: A Sea that Links and Binds: Cooperation, Coercion and Compulsion across the Red Sea from the Eighteenth Century to the Present, Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin 4-5 June 2015.

"The Politics of Memory Shaping Yemeni Jewish Historiography in 20th Century Palestine," the 20th Annual Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN) Convention, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, 23-25April 2015.

"Jewish Testaments in 19th Century Yemen: Inheritance, Family and Gender," Testaments in the Ottoman and Mediterranean Area Research Group, Levtzion Center for the Study of Islam, The Hebrew University in Jerusalem, 9 June 2014.

Nineteenth Century Yemeni Jewish Family and the Position of Women: Patriarchal Ethos on the Verge of Change," European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC) 2014, April 22-26, Vienna.

"Family in Transformation: Yemeni Jews after immigrating to Palestine," Cultural Change in the Study of Zionism and Israel, March 26, 2014, Tel-Aviv University. 

"Yemeni Jewish Women Immigrating to Palestine: Social Dynamics and Family Values," AIS, the 29th Annual Meeting, UCLA June 24-26, 2013

"Polygamus Practices: Tradition in Yemen, Transition in Palestine," Conference: Tradition and Transition in Jewish, Chistian, and Muslim Cultures, 24-26 June 2012, Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge, UK.

"Jewish Testaments in 19th Century Yemen: Inheritance, Family and Gender," Testaments in the Ottoman and Mediterranean Area Research Group, Levtzion Center for the Study of Islam, The Hebrew University in Jerusalem, 9 June 2014.

Nineteenth Century Yemeni Jewish Family and the Position of Women: Patriarchal Ethos on the Verge of Change," European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC) 2014, April 22-26, Vienna.

"Family in Transformation: Yemeni Jews after immigrating to Palestine," Cultural Change in the Study of Zionism and Israel, March 26, 2014, Tel-Aviv University.

"Yemeni Jewish Women Immigrating to Palestine: Social Dynamics and Family Values," AIS, the 29th Annual Meeting, UCLA June 24-26, 2013

"The Politics of Memory: Yemeni Jews' Writings during the Mandate Period," Commemorating Hundred Years to Yavne'eli's Immigration," December 30, 2012, Haifa University.

"Polygamus Practices: Tradition in Yemen, Transition in Palestine," Conference: Tradition and Transition in Jewish, Chistian, and Muslim Cultures, 24-26 June 2012, Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge, UK.

"Testament and Inheritance as Reflecting Family Dynamics in Nineteenth Century Yemen," Testimonies in the Ottoman and Mediterranean Sphere, March 12, 2012, The Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

"The Kabbala dispute, the Ottomans and Imam Yahya after 1911," A Century after Da``an: A Workshop on Yemeni History and Society, October 15, 2011, Sponsored by the Department of Near Eastern Studies and the Institute for the Transregional Study of the Contemporary Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia, Princeton University, Princeton.

"Religious Trends among Yemeni Jews Following their Immigration to Israel," Association for Israel Studies (AIS) 27thAnnual International Conference, June 13-15, 2011, Brandeis University, Boston.

The Political and Civic Representation of Yemeni Jews during the Mandate Period and its Acceptance in the Moshavot," Ashqelon Academic College & Bar-Ilan University, Ashqelon, March 28, 2011.

"The Challenge of Secularism and Modernity in the Writings of Yemeni Rabbis," The Fifteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 2-6, 2009.

"Donors and Recipients: Remarks on Philanthropic Engagements," discussant, Association for Israel Studies 25th Annual Conference, Beer-Sheva, June 1-3, 2009.

“Yemeni Jewish Women and Legal Rights in Palestine," the sixth conference of the series "Jewish Society Through the ages,” Faculty of Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, March 24 2008.

“Jewish Polygamy in Yemen and in Palestine,” The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA), Washington DC, 22-25 November 2008.

“Yemen: Religion, Magic and Jews,”The 41st Seminar for Arabian Studies, The British Museum, London, 24-26 July 2008.

“Polygamy in the Yemeni Jewish Community in Palestine and in Early Israel,” Association for Israel Studies 24th Annual Conference, New York University, New York, 19-21 May 2008.

“Yemeni Jewish Education: Between Tradition and Modernity,” second conference in the series "Jewish Society Through the Ages," Faculty of Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, 24 March 2008.

“Deserted Women - Jewish Women Living in a Muslim Society,” The Third Annual Meeting of The Israel Organization for History and Law, Yad Ben Zvi, Jerusalem, 18 September 2007.

“The Imams of Yemen and Jewish Emigration: Political, Social and Economic Considerations,” Jews and Muslims in the World of Islam - an international conference, 26-28 August 2007,University of Maryland.

"Immigration to Israel from Muslim Countries," – Organizer, Chair and Discussant, two consecutive sessions, for the Association for Israel Studies 2007 Annual Meeting, The Open University of Israel, Raanana, June 11-13, 2007.

“Yemen and Ethiopia - Jewish Migration and Italian Colonialism,” The Middle East & Islamic Studies Association of Israel Studies (MEISAI) Annual Meeting, Tel-Aviv University, 10 May 2007.

The Jews of Yemen – history, society and culture

Messianism - Ideology and movements

Jewish-Muslim relations

Religious conversion

Women and gender


Immigration and Settlement in Palestine/Israel

Yemeni Jews in Palestine

Mizrahi Jews in Palestine and in Israel

  • 2019    Referee, The Open University, M. A. theses proposal in Cultural Studies
  • 2017    Member, Ph.D. Committee, The Hebrew University, thesis in
  • 2016      Referee, Bar Ilan University, Ph.D. theses proposal in Jewish
  • 2011      (December) Referee, The Hebrew University, Ph.D. thesis in
                  Music and Folklore 
  • 2011      (September) Referee, The Hebrew University, Thesis in
                  Anthropology and Folklore
  • 2010      Supervisor, Ben-Gurion University, M.A. theses in Jewish
  • 2008      Referee, Tel-Aviv University, M.A. theses in Humanities
  • 2007      Referee, Bar Ilan University, Ph.D. theses proposal in Jewish
  • 2006      Member, Ph.D. Committee, The Hebrew University, thesis in
                  Jewish History
  • 2006       Referee, Bar Ilan University, Ph.D. theses proposal in Jewish
  • 2006      Referee, The Hebrew University, Ph.D. theses in Jewish Thought
  • 2005    Supervisor, Tel-Aviv University, M.A. theses in History of
  • 2004      Referee, Tel-Aviv University, Ph.D. theses in Jewish History
  • 2003    Member, Ph.D. Committee, The Hebrew University, thesis in
                   Jewish Thought
  • 2013  Vered Madar, "Creative Community of Yemeni Jewish Women:
                Voice and Body, Childbirth and Death" 
  • 2019  Benjamin Gladstone, "Poet of Zion: Constructing Rabbi Shalom Shabazi as a Proto-Zionist Symbol."

  • 2016 - Taub Center for Israel Studies, New York University, New York (NYU)
  • Spring 2012 - Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies, New York University, New York (NYU)
  • Cathedra (Hebrew)

  • Hamizrah Hehadash (Hebrew)

  • Megamot (Hebrew)

  • Mizrah u-Ma'arav (Hebrew)

  • Pe'amim (Hebrew)

  • Theory and Criticism (Hebrew)

  • International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies

  • Israel (Hebrew)
  • Israel Studies

  • Jewish Quarterly Review

  • Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society

  • Nashim

  • The Historical Journal

  • Bar-Ilan University Press

  • Florida University Press at Gainesville

  • Indiana University Press

  • Makhon Ben-Zvi Press

  • Misgav Yerushalayim Press

  • The Open University Press

  • Wayne State University Press

  • Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi Press

  • 2015 Member, The President of Israel Committee for Scholarships in Academic Excellency on the Study of: "Ever, Arav, ve-Edom – Encounters between Cultures, Languages and Peoples"
  • The Israel Science Foundation
  • The Association for Israel Studies (AIS)
             The 2020 Shapiro Award for the Best Book in Israel Studies

  • The Middle East and Islamic Studies Association of Israel (MEISAI) – 
            The Best Doctoral Dissertation for 2019
            The Best Doctoral Dissertation for 2018

  • Ben-Zvi Institute
             The Best Scholarly Book for 2019

  • Israel Science Foundation (ISF) Committees
    2019, 2020

  • March, 8 2015 - Chair, the organizing committee, "The Israeli Society: Historical and Biographic Concerns," in honor of Professor Emerita Aviva Halamish retirement, The Open University, Raanana.
  • Chair, the organizing committee, "400th Anniversary of the Birth of Rabbi Shalem Shabazi, and Yemeni Jews through the Ages,"  the 2nd International Conference of the Center for the Study of Yemeni Jews, Ben-Zvi Institute, 2-3 September 2018, Jerusalem.
  • Chair, the organizing committee, "The Jews of Yemen: Social and Cultural Transformations," the 1st International Conference of the Center for the Study of Yemeni Jews, Ben-Zvi Institute, 4-5 September 2016, Jerusalem.
  • Chair, the organizing committee, " Religion and Government: Jews, Christians, Muslims," the 5th Annual International Conference of the Center for the Study of Relations between Jews, Christians, Muslims (JCMcenter), The Open University, 29-30 December 2015, Raanana.

  • Chair, the organizing committee, "Economy and Culture: the Encounter between Jews, Christians, Muslims," the 4th Annual International Conference of the Center for the Study of Relations between Jews, Christians, Muslims (JCMcenter), The Open University, 29-30 December 2014, Raanana.

  • Chair, the organizing committee, "The Family: Cultural Dynamics and Dialogue between Jews, Christians, Muslims," the 3rd Annual International Conference of the Center for the Study of Relations between Jews, Christians, Muslims (JCMcenter), The Open University, 29-30 December 2013, Raanana.

  • Chair, the organizing committee, "Legal Systems and their Approach to Religious Minorities," a conference honoring Lord Harry Woolf, 30 May, 2013, The Open University, Raanana.

  • Chair, the organizing committee, "Inter-Cultural Exchanges between Jews, Muslims and Christians", the 2nd Annual International Conference of the Center for the Study of Relations between Jews, Christians, Muslims (JCMcenter), The Open University, 26-27 December 2012, Raanana.

  • Chair, the Israeli organizing committee, "Tradition and Transition in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Cultures," in collaboration with Woolf Institute, 24-26 June 2012, Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge, UK.

  • Chair, the organizing committee, "Jews, Christians, Muslims, Concepts of the Other," the 1st Annual International Conference of the Center for the Study of Relations between Jews, Christians, Muslims (JCMcenter), The Open University, 27 December 2011, Raanana.

  • Member, the organizing committee – "Jews from the East in the West," sponsored by Ben Zvi Institute, The Open University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, June 14-16, 2010, Jerusalem and Raanana.

  • Member, the organizing committee - SOSTEJE International Conference, Florence, Italy, 8-10 October 2007.

  • Chair, the organizing committee, "The Israeli Society: Historical and Biographic Concerns," honoring Professor Emerita Aviva Halamish retirement, The Open University, Raanana, 8 March 2015.

  • Chair, the organizing committee, The Annual Meeting of the Middle East & Islamic Studies Association of Israel, Historical Society of Israel,The Open University, Raanana 25 June 2011.

  • Chair, the organizing committee, Writing a Biography of a Leader, a conference honoring Aviva Halamish book: Meir Yaari: a collective Biography, 27 April 2010, Raanana.

  • Chair, the organizing committee, The Annual Meeting of the Historical Society of Israel, 8 April 2010 Raanana.

  • “Yemeni Jews in Israel: Cultural and Social Transformation,” a conference commemorating one hundred years of immigration of Yemeni Jews to Rishon le-Zion, Rishon Le-Zion, 16 February 2010, Sponsored by The Open University and Rishon le-Zion Museum.

  • “Women Meeting Challenges in Pre-State Israel,”Association for Israel Studies 24th Annual Conference, New York University, May 19-21, 2008 (panel).

  • “Immigration to Israel from Muslim Countries,”Association for Israel Studies 2007 Annual Meeting, The Open University of Israel, Raanana, June 11-13, 2007 (two panels).

  • May 2007- Member, academic committee, The 31st annual meeting of The Middle East & Islamic Studies Association of Israel (MEISAI), Tel-Aviv University.

  • May 2006-“Yemeni Jews in Palestine/Israel,” The Open University Campus, Raanana.

  • November 2005 -“Muslims and Others - Eretz Yisrael and Africa,”commemorating the publishing of Zemanim 92, The Open University Campus, Raanana.

  • May 2005 -“The Hashemites in the History of the Middle East,” The Annual Meeting of The Israel Oriental Society, The Open University Campus, Raanana.

  • May 2004 -“Youth, Generation Struggle and Revolt in the Middle East,” a conference organized for the History Department, The Open University, Tel-Aviv University Campus.

  • November 2003 -“Egypt - the 'Senior Sister': The Revolution and the Jews,” a conference organized for the History Department, The Open University, Tel-Aviv University Campus.

  • November 2002 -“Fifty years to the 1952 Revolution in Egypt,”a conference organized for the History Department, The Open University, Tel Aviv University Campus.

  • January 2002 -“Intifada and Thawra -Nationalism, Rage and Protest in the Middle East,” a conference organized for the History Department, The Open University, Tel-Aviv University Campus.

  • January 2001 -“Commemoration and Memory: Israel and Egypt Facing their Past,” a conference organized for the History Department, The Open University, Tel-Aviv University Campus.

  • "Sacrifice and Admiration: The Image of the Yemeni Jewish Mother," Conference on Maternal Sacrifice in Jewish Culture, Inalco, Paris, November 19-21, 2019.

  • "Yemeni Jewish political organization: Failure to Contest Marginalization," 3rd International Conference on Israel and Judaism Studies, Izmir Democracy University, Izmir, 8 -10 November, 2019.

  • "The Encounter of Yemeni and Ashkenazi Immigrants in the Yishuv: Social and Political Conflicts," International Conference: Migration in the History and Society of Israel, Institut fur die Geschichte der deutschen Juden, Hamburg, Germany, July 15-17, 2019

  • "Intermarriage as a Social and Historical Phenomenon," AIS 35th Annual Meeting, June 24-26, 2019, Kinneret College.

  • Jewish Migration Trends from South Arabia during the Ottoman Era 1872 – 1914,"Catz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, University of Pennsylvania, May 5-6, 2019

  • "Historic Reality and its Representation in the Writings of Mordechai Tabib," Commemorating Forty Years to Mordechai Tabib's Death, A Conference in Ben-Zvi Institute, 22.01.2019.

  • "Jewish Masculinity in Defensive: Yemen and Palestine," A Conference Commemorating Forty Years of Researching the Jews of the East, Sefarad and North Africa (1978 – 2018), University of Haifa, 24.12.2018-26.12.2019.

  • "Yemeni Jewish Women Immigrants in Palestine (1908 – 1948): The Defiance of Community Patriarchal Values," Annual Conference of the CEES (Center of Excellence in Estonian Studies): "On the Move: Migration and Diasporas," Estonian Literary Museum, Tartu, 29.11.2018 – 1.12.2018

  • "The dhimma Agreement and the Jews of Yemen: between shari`a and Practice in the Tribal Space," Conference Honoring Meir Bar-Asher and Meir Hatina's eds., Islam: History, Religion, Culture, Magnes Press: Jerusalem, 2017, The Open University of Israel, 13.11.2018.

  • "From Yemen to Palestine: Jewish Immigration under the Ottomans 1881- 1914," in War and Displacement in the Ottoman Empire, 1890-1923", Workshop, University of Lausanne, October 26 2018.

  • "Studying the Jews of Yemen: Thoughts on Past and Future Venues and Developments," the 2nd international conference of the Center for the Study of Yemeni Jews, Ben-Zvi Institute, Jerusalem, September 2-3 2018 (keynote lecture). 

  • "Enlightenment versus Jewish Mysticism in Yemen: Employing Muslim Elements in Intra-Jewish Debate," European Association for Jewish Studies (EAJS) 11th Congress, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, July 15 – 19 2018.

  • "The Phenomenon of the Missing Children in Early Israel: Historical Background," American Association for Israel Studies (AIS) conference, University of California, Berkeley, 25-27 June 2018.

  • "The Ancient Jewish Community of Yemen and the Process of its Emigration," The End of Jewish Communal Life in the Arab Lands -- International Conference, University of Maryland, 4 December 2017.

  • "The Jews of Yemen under the Ottomans: Communication, Economy and Migration," 2nd International Symposium on Yemen and the Ottoman Rule, Istanbul University, Istanbul, 16-18 November 2017.

  • "Jews in Tribal Yemen: Religion, Magic and Otherness," the Program for the Study of Anti-Semitism (YPSA) Yale, New Haven, 1 March 2016.

  • "Polygamous Practices of Yemeni Jews Encountering the Dominant Ashkenazi society in Palestine," Jewish Studies Lecture Series, the University of Virginia, 4 February 2016.

  • "From Southern Arabia to East Africa: Jewish immigration, Social Encounters and Italian Colonialism," Conference: A Sea that Links and Binds: Cooperation, Coercion and Compulsion across the Red Sea from the Eighteenth Century to the Present,   Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin 4-5 June 2015.

  • "The Politics of Memory Shaping Yemeni Jewish Historiography in 20th Century Palestine," the 20th Annual Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN) Convention, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, 23-25April 2015.

  • "Jewish Testaments in 19th Century Yemen: Inheritance, Family and Gender," Testaments in the Ottoman and Mediterranean Area Research Group, Levtzion Center for the Study of Islam, The Hebrew University in Jerusalem, 9 June 2014.

  • Nineteenth Century Yemeni Jewish Family and the Position of Women: Patriarchal Ethos on the Verge of Change," European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC) 2014, April 22-26, Vienna.

  • "Family in Transformation: Yemeni Jews after immigrating to Palestine," Cultural Change in the Study of Zionism and Israel, March 26, 2014, Tel-Aviv University.

  • "Yemeni Jewish Women Immigrating to Palestine: Social Dynamics and Family Values," AIS, the 29th Annual Meeting, UCLA June 24-26, 2013

  • "The Politics of Memory: Yemeni Jews' Writings during the Mandate Period," Commemorating Hundred Years to Yavne'eli's Immigration," December 30, 2012, Haifa University.

  • "Polygamous Practices: Tradition in Yemen, Transition in Palestine," Conference: Tradition and Transition in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Cultures, 24-26 June 2012, Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge, UK.

  • "Testament and Inheritance as Reflecting Family Dynamics in Nineteenth Century Yemen," Testimonies in the Ottoman and Mediterranean Sphere, March 12, 2012, The Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

  • "The Kabbala dispute, the Ottomans and Imam Yahya after 1911," A Century after Da``an: A Workshop on Yemeni History and Society, October 15, 2011, Sponsored by the Department of Near Eastern Studies and the Institute for the Transregional  Study of the Contemporary Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia, Princeton University, Princeton.

  • "Religious Trends among Yemeni Jews Following their Immigration to Israel," Association for Israel Studies (AIS) 27th Annual International Conference, June 13-15, 2011, Brandeis University, Boston.

  • The Political and Civic Representation of Yemeni Jews during the Mandate Period and its Acceptance in the Moshavot," Ashqelon Academic College & Bar-Ilan University, Ashqelon, March 28, 2011.

  • "The Challenge of Secularism and Modernity in the Writings of Yemeni Rabbis," The Fifteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 2-6, 2009. 

  • "Donors and Recipients: Remarks on Philanthropic Engagements," discussant, Association for Israel Studies 25th Annual Conference, Beer-Sheva, June 1-3, 2009.

  • "Yemeni Jewish Women and Legal Rights in Palestine," the sixth conference of the series "Jewish Society Through the Ages," Faculty of Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, March 24 2008.

  • "Jewish Polygamy in Yemen and in Palestine," the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA), Washington DC, November 22-25, 2008. 

  • "Yemen: Religion, Magic and Jews," The 41st Seminar for Arabian Studies, The British Museum, London, July 24th – 26th 2008. 

  • "Polygamy in the Yemeni Jewish Community in Palestine and in Early Israel," Association for Israel Studies 24th Annual Conference, New York University, New York, May 19-21, 2008.

  • "Yemeni Jewish Education: Between Tradition and Modernity," the second conference of the series "Jewish Society Through the Ages," Faculty of Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, March 24, 2008.

  • “Deserted Women - Jewish Women Living in a Muslim Society,” The Third Annual Meeting of The Israel Organization for History and Law, Yad ben Zvi, Jerusalem, September 18, 2007.

  • “The Imams of Yemen and Jewish Emigration: Political, Social and Economic Considerations,” Jews and Muslims in the World of Islam conference, 26-28 August 2007, University of Maryland.

  • "Immigration to Israel from Muslim Countries," – Organizer, Chair and Discussant, two consecutive sessions, the Association for Israel Studies 23rd Annual Meeting, The Open University of Israel, Raanana, June 11-13, 2007.

  • "Yemen and Ethiopia – Jewish Migration and Italian Colonialism," May 10th 2007, The Middle East & Islamic Studies Association of Israel Studies (MEISAI) Annual Meeting, Tel-Aviv University.

  • "Gender Studies of the Yemeni Jewish Community: Dilemmas and Research Trends," Scholars' Seminar, Center for the Study of of Yemeni Jews, Ben-Zvi Institute, Jerusalem, February 2nd, 2017.

  • "Yemeni Jews: Searching for Preservation and Change," The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, January 24, 2017.

  • "Jews in Tribal Yemen: Religion, Magic and Otherness," Yale Program for the Study of Antisemitism, Yale University, New Haven, March 1, 2016.

  • "Polygamous Practices of Yemeni Jews Encountering the Ashkenazi Society in Palestine," Jewish studies Program, Virginia University, Charlottesville, February 4, 2016.   

  • "'On Eagle Wings'– The Height of Jewish emigration from Yemen," The Museum for Islamic Art, November 10, 2011, Jerusalem.

  • “Ethiopia -Residence for Local and Foreign Jewish Communities,” Ben Zvi Institute, Jerusalem, 7 July 2008.

  • “The Immigration to Palestine in the Historiography of Yemeni Jews,” Researchers' Seminar, The Ben-Gurion Research Institute, Sede Boqer, 27 March 2007.

  • “We and the ‘Savages’ -Jews and Muslims in Tribal Yemen,” Department of History Diwan Forum, The Open University, Raanana, 8 June 2005 (in Hebrew).

  • “Aden and San’a’: an Encounter in Ethiopia,” Between Two Rival Sister Communities Series, The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute and Ben Zvi Institute, Jerusalem, 18 May 2005 (in Hebrew).

  • "Jews Converting to Islam: Yemen in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century," Tel Aviv University, The Tsembalista Center of Jewish Heritage, 29 December 2004 (in Hebrew).

  • “Jewish Immigration From Yemen to Palestine During the Mandate Period,” E'ele be-Tamar and Inbal, Susan Dalal Center, Tel-Aviv, 2 May 2004 (in Hebrew).

  • “Muslim Society as an Alternative -Conversion in Yemen,” Forum Baer, The Israel Oriental Society and Tel-Aviv University History School, 23 January 2004 (in Hebrew).