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Dr. Dror Goldberg, Senior Lecturer

Contact Info

The Open University of Israel The Dorothy De Rothschild Campus 1 University Road
Office:972-9-778-1935 Email:drorg@openu.ac.il

Additional Information

Areas of Interest
  • Monetary theory
  • Monetary history
  • Monetary law
  • Macroeconomics
  • Political economy

Ph.D., Economics, University of Rochester, USA
M.A., Economics, Tel Aviv University, Israel
B.A., Economics, Tel Aviv University, Israel
LL.B., Law, Tel Aviv University, Israel
2016 -
Senior Lecture, The Open University of Israel
2014 - 2016
Visiting Senior Lecturer, The Open University of Israel
2008 - 2014
Lecturer, Bar Ilan University, Israel
2002 - 2008
Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University, USA
Since 2014
Council member for The Open University of Israel in the Israeli Economic Association
Since 2012
Secretary and member of Steering Committee of the Economic History Association of Israel

Gabriele Camera, Dror Goldberg, and Avi Weiss. Endogenous Market Formation and Monetary Trade: An Experiment. Journal of the European Economic Association 18(3), June 2020, 1553-1588.

Dror Goldberg. Forced Money: Legal Development of a Criminal Economic Rule. Comparative Legal History 4(2), December 2016, 162-180.

Dror Goldberg, How Americans Invented Modern Money, Zmanin: A Historical Quarterly 129, Winter 2015, 38-49.

Dror Goldberg and Igal Milchtaich, Property Rights under Administrator-Dictators: The Rise and Fall of America’s First Bank, Journal of Economic History 73(4), December 2013, 1098-1124.

Dror Goldberg, Famous Myths of “Fiat Money,” Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 37(5), October 2005, 957-967.

Dror Goldberg, The Tax-Foundation Theory of Fiat Money, Economic Theory 50(2), June 2012, 489-497.

Dror Goldberg, Why was America’s First Bank Aborted? Journal of Economic History 71(1), March 2011, 211-222.

Dror Goldberg, The Massachusetts Paper Money of 1690, Journal of Economic History 69(4), December 2009, 1092-1106.

Dror Goldberg, Money with Partially Directed Search, Journal of Monetary Economics 54(4), May 2007, 979-993.

Dror Goldberg. Easy Money: American Puritans and the Invention of Modern Currency. The University of Chicago Press, 2023