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Nahuel Ribke, Associate Professor

Contact Info

The Open University of Israel Department of Literature, Language and the Arts 1 University Road P.O.B. 808 Ra’anana 4353701, Israel
Office:09-7783362 Email: nahuerib@openu.ac.il

Areas of Interest
  • Television genres
  • Documentary films
  • Media industries and Stardom studies

Nahuel Ribke is an associate professor and head of the film program at the Open University of Israel. As a film and television scholar, his research is focused on the relationships between media industries, political institutions, and cultural practices. Prof. Ribke has published extensively on Latin American television genres, Film and Celebrity politics and multilingual television fiction. His latest book Multilingual Fiction Series: Genres, Landscapes and Performances published by Routledge will be released in December 2023.

Postdoctoral Fellow The Smart Institute of Communication (2013)The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Advisor: Prof. Paul Frosh
PhD Graduate School of Historical Studies (2010) The Institute for Latin American History and Culture and The Communication Department. 
Thesis title: “Military Regime and Mass Communication in Brazil 1964-1979: The Rise of Globo Network.” Advisors: Prof. Gerardo Leibner and Prof. Jerome Bourdon
M.A Unit of Cultural Research  Shirley & Leslie Porter School of Cultural Studies (2004).
Dissertation title: “The Ugly” Vs. “The Beautiful” Israeli: Struggles over Defining Israeli Identity Tel Aviv University (Israel)  Suma cum Laude
B.A Sociology & Anthropology (1999) Tel Aviv University (Israel) 
Since 2021
Chair, BA Film Studies Program
Since 2021
Senior Lecturer – The Open University of Israel
Since 2016
Co-Editor of E.I.A.L – Academic Interdisciplinary Journal of Latin American Studies – Tel Aviv University
Lecturer – Seminar Hakibbutzim College  - Film and Communication Department
Adjunct Lecturer – Seminar Hakibbutzim College – Film and Communication Department
Adjunct Lecturer – The Hebrew University – Communication Department and Cultural Studies Department
Adjunct Lecturer – Tel Aviv University – Communication Department – History Department

Ribke, N (Forthcoming December 2023) Multilingual Fiction Series: Genres, Landscapes and Performances, Routledge

Ribke, N. (2021), Transnational Latin American Television: Genres, Formats, and Adaptations. Routledge.

Ribke, N. (2015) A Genre Approach to Celebrity Politics: Global Patterns of Passage from Media to Politics. Palgrave.

Ribke, N. (2022). Bilingual fiction series, genre conventions, and the economy of linguistic interaction in Israeli television. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 13678779221114380. 

Ribke, N. (2022). Bilingualism and the Televisual Architecture of Linguistic (dis-) Encounters in the Israeli Television Show Arab Labor. Television & New Media, 15274764221084285.

Ribke, N (2021). Towards a Transnational Approach to Latin American Television: Journeys, Borders, and Centers and Peripheries. Matrizes. 15 (2), 55-71.

Ribke, N (2021). Netflix and Over the Top Politics? The Mechanism TV series and the Dynamics of Entertainment Intervention, Critical Studies in Television. 16 (1), 47-61.

Ribke, N (2020). Telemontecarlo as a (failed) Italo-Brazilian communications experiment: South – South transnational business, politics and culture (1985-1994), Media History, DOI: 10.1080/13688804.2020.1801402

Ribke, N. (2019). Fauda television series and the turning of asymmetrical conflict into television entertainment. Media, Culture & Society, 41(8), 1245-1260.

Ribke, N., & Bourdon, J. (2017). Peripheral Stardom, Ethnicity, and Nationality: The Rise of the Argentinian Ricardo Darin From Local Celebrity to Transnational Recognition. Communication, Culture & Critique, 10(4), 712-728.

Ribke, N. (2017). Media imperialism beyond the Anglo-Saxon axis, or negotiated hybridity? Neo-Orientalist telenovelas and transnational business in Brazilian television. Journal of Consumer Culture, 17(3), 562-578.

Ribke, N (2016) Global Maladies, Local "In Treatment": "Quality" TV Fiction Formats, Glocal Forms of Prestige and Cumulative Cross-Cultural Dialogues International Journal of Communication 10:18.

Ribke, N., & Bourdon, J. (2016). Transnational activism, new and old media: The case of Israeli adoptees from Brazil. New media & Society, 18(11): 2649-2663.

Bourdon, J., & Ribke, N. (2016). Ratings, the state and globalization: the politics of television audience measurement in Israel. Media, Culture & Society, 38(2):159-174.

Ribke, N (January 2015) Entertainment Politics: Brazilian Celebrities’ Transition to Politics, Recent History and Main Patterns Media Culture & Society 37(1):35-49.

Ribke, N (April 2014) Modeling Politics? Female Fashion Models’ Transition into Israeli Politics European Journal of Cultural Studies 17(2):170-186.

Ribke, N (Diciembre 2013) El régimen militar brasilero y las censuras televisivas: entre las lógicas internas de producción y el contexto político

Ribke, N (Autumn 2013) The Genre of Live Studio Audience Programs in a Political Context: The Flavio Cavalcanti Show and the Brazilian Military Regime Screen 54(3): 355-370. 

Ribke, N (Diciembre 2012) Celebridades brasileñas en la política: historia reciente, continuidades y rupturas Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias de la Comunicación 9(2): 96-105.

Ribke, N (July 2011) Telenovela Writers under the military Regime in Brazil: Beyond the Cooptation and Resistance Dichotomy Media, Culture & Society 33(5): 657-674. 

Ribke, N. (January 2011). Decoding television censorship during the last Brazilian military regime: The censor as negotiator and censorship as a semi-open interpretative process Media History 17(1):49-61.

Ribke, N (November 2010) Writing the History of Telenovelas under Brazilian Military Rule (1964-1985): Censure Reports instead of Audiovisual Archives? Critical Studies in Television. 5(2): 146-153.

Ribke, N (2018) Celebrity and Power in South America in Elliott, A. (Ed.). (2018).  The Routledge Handbook of Celebrity Studies. Routledge.

2023, June 31: “A Cognitive Approach to Fiction/Non-Fiction Divide: Film and Television Fiction and Politics as Blended Spaces.” Paper Presented at the SCSMI Conference (Society for Cognitive Studies of the Moving Image), Wilmington, North Carolina, US.

2023, May 27: “Beyond Fiction/Non Fiction Divide: Costa Gavra’s Latin American Films and Transnational Cold War Imaginaries” Paper Presented at the ICA Conference, Toronto, Canada.

2023, April 12: Bilingual Fiction, Genre Conventions, and The Economy of Linguistic Interaction in Global Thriller Series” Paper Presented at the SCMS Conference (Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference), Denver, US.

2022, May 29: " Bilingualism and the Televisual Architecture of Linguistic (dis-) Encounters in the Israeli Television Show Arab Labor " Paper Presented at the ICA Conference, Paris, France.

2019, July 11: “Conquering and Entertaining: Fauda and the Complexities of Turning Asymmetrical Conflict into Television Entertainment”. Paper presented at the IAMCR 2019 Congress, Madrid.

2018, May 26: “Requiem Pop Albums as an Extreme Cross Media Reality: A Cultural and Economic Analysis of Grief in Contemporary Cultural Industries”. Paper Presented at the ICA Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.

2017, June 12: “A Celebrity at Home, a Star Abroad: Ricardo Darin’s Articulation of Transnational Stardom in Latin America’s Cultural Space” Paper presented at The Annual International Colloquium of the Sverdlin Institute. Tel Aviv University, Israel.

2016, May 25: “Live Television Programms and Latin American Cultural Industries” Paper presented at LASA Conference, New York City.

2016, April 29: “O professor e aula no cinema, uma perspectiva comparativa” Paper presented at Forum Internacional da Educação, Universidade de Santa Cruz, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 

2015, May, 28: " Reality Shows and Celebrity Politics: a Fast Track for Novice Politicians?" Paper presented at LASA Conference, San Juan Puerto Rico.

2014, May 24: "A Cultural Industries Genre Approach to Celebrity Politics" Paper Presented at the ICA Conference, Seattle, USA.

2013, September 30:  " Access to the Political Sphere: The Role of Celebrities in Electoral Campaigns in Brazil". Fifth Annual German-Israeli Frontiers of Humanities Symposium – Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at Kibbutz Tzuba, Israel. 

2013, April 28: “Sobre patronas, empleadas y el régimen militar: representaciones de clase y control social en la Telenovela  brasilera “Sin pañuelo y sin documentos” (1977). International Colloqium: "Middle Class: Practices, Transformations, and Constructions in Latin America and Spain during Twentieth Century" at Tel Aviv University, Israel.

2012, October 5: “O genero das Telenovelas e o Regime Militar”. Paper presented at the post graduate seminar “Memory and Dictatorship” at the History Department, Sao Paulo University, Brazil.

2012, October 2: “Television Genres in a Political Context”. Paper presented at the Communication Department Seminar, ECA, Sao Paulo University, Brazil

2010, March 25: "The black box of television audience measurement. The engine of "tarbut haratings". Jerome Bourdon and Nahuel Ribke. Paper presented at the ISCA 2010, Herzliya,Israel.

2009, July 21: “Decoding Television censorship during the last Brazilian military regime: The censor as an intimate enemy, censure as a semi-open interpretative process”. Paper presented at the IAMCR 2009 Congress, Mexico City.

2009, July 6: "Israeli Audience Research Board:  History  and Key Topics". Paper presented with Prof. Jerome Bourdon at Audio TV Monde Conference, Centre de Sociologie de l'innovation – Paris.

2008, March 12: “Brazilian Radio and Television before Globo Network: Patterns of change and continuity in Brazilian Mass Communication (1930-1964)”. Paper presented at The 4rd Israeli Colloquium of Young Scholars devoted to Iberian and Latin American Studies. The Hebrew University, Israel.