“The (Romantic) Long Way Around: Retracted Tonal Areas and the 'Deferred SK Exposition'", The Society for Music Theory Annual Conference, November 2024, Jacksonville, Florida.
“The (Romantic) Long Way Around: Retracted Tonal Areas and the 'Deferred SK Exposition'", Edinburgh Music Analysis Conference (EdMAC 2024), July 2024, University of Edinburgh , UK.
“Retracted Tonal Areas in Sonata-Form Expositions: Circular Directionality in Early Nineteenth-Century Music", the Joint Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society and the Society for Music Theory, Denver, Colorado, November 2023.
“Retracted Tonal Areas in Sonata-Form Expositions: Circular Directionality in Early Nineteenth-Century Music", The Israeli Musicological Society summer meeting, The Levinsky-Wingate Academic College, Israel, July 2023.
“Declined MCs, Modulating STs, and RTZs: Wandering Expositions at the Turn of the 19th Century", The Israeli Musicological Society summer meeting, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, June 2022.
“Hummel's 'Tempest': The F-sharp Minor Piano Sonata and Early Nineteenth-Century Formenlehre", Birmingham Music Analysis Conference (BrumMAC 2021), University of Birmingham, UK (online), July 2021.
“Dussek, Reicha, Hummel and the 'Linear Roundabout': Retracted Tonal Zones (RTZ) in Late Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth-Century Three-Key Expositions", International Conference on Musical Form (Under the auspices of the Society for Music Analysis), Newcastle, UK (online), June 2021.
“Deformations or Reformations? “Form-as-Process" in the works of Dussek, Reicha and Hummel", The Israeli Musicological Society winter meeting, Israel (online), February 2021.
“On the Musically Melancholic", Music Colloquium, the Buchmann-Mehta School of Music at Tel Aviv University, Israel, December 2019.
“Compositional Ambiguity in an Incredulous Age: C. P. E. Bach and the Darker Sides of Empfindsamkeit", Melancholy and Solitude in the History of Ideas and Art History, workshop sponsored by the Uhl Foundation, Buchnerhof, South Tyrol, October 2016.
“'Skepticism and Anti-Sentimentalism in C. P. E. Bach's Program Trio Wq. 161/1", Mood – Aesthetic, Psychological and Philosophical Perspectives, University of Warwick, UK, May 2016.
“'As obscure and unintelligible as the warbling of larks and linnets': Latent Agendas in C. P. E. Bach's C Minor Program Trio Wq. 161/1 (H.579)", Winter Meeting of the New England Chapter of the American Musicological Society, Boston University, US, February 2015.
“The Limits of Subjectivity? Self-Reflexive Manifestations in C. P. E. Bach's E Minor Keyboard Concerto Wq. 15", C. P. E. Bach and Eighteenth-Century Keyboard Culture, University of Oxford, UK, November 2014.
“'As obscure and unintelligible as the warbling of larks and linnets': Latent Agendas in C. P. E. Bach's C Minor Trio Wq. 161/1 (H.579)", Sensation and Sensibility at the Keyboard in the Late 18th Century, Music Conference and Concert Festival Celebrating the Tercentenary of C. P. E. Bach, Cornell University, US, October 2014.
“The Limits of Subjectivity? Self-Reflexive Manifestations in C. P. E. Bach's E Minor Keyboard Concerto Wq. 15", The Royal Musical Association's annual conference, University of Leeds, UK, September 2014.
“The Master of “Surface" and “Small Details"? Further Hermeneutical Challenges in C. P. E. Bach's Music", Keynote Address, The Israeli Music Theory Forum (under the auspices of the Israeli Musicological Society), The Open University of Israel, March 2014.
“Allegory, Irony and Deconstruction – Interpretation and Over-Interpretation of a Fugue", Music Colloquium, the Music Department at Cornell University, US, October 2013.
“Ironizing Allegory of Listening – Deconstructing Monelle", The International Conference on Music Semiotic in Memory of Raymond Monelle (ICMS-MRM), The University of Edinburgh, UK, October 2012.
“Lost in Translation, or fantasia – que me veux-tu?", The Israeli Musicological Society Conference, Israel, The Open University of Israel, July 2011.