... Lorenz1
Supported in part by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grants No. CCR-0098643 and CCR-0204432, and by the Institute for Complex Scientific Software at Northeastern University.
... root)3
Oddly enough, the JDK Standard class neither inherits from sun.tools.javadoc.Doclet nor does it implement any interface that would guarantee the existence of a start method with the proper signature.
... compiler.4
The option exists but is unsupported in the AspectJ release.
... appears5
Bug Id 4109635, fixed in JDK 1.3 [33].
... received.6
VclassTransmitter1 can also be customized directly using a bean customizer.
... conduit.7
More generally, given an n-dimensional datapath, all but one dimension must denote a conduit.