Title : D.Sc. in Medical sciences.
B.Sc. in Biology (1985), the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.
M.Sc. in Basic Medical Sciences (1988), Neurobiology, with
distinction, The Hebrew university, and Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem,
Israel. Thesis subject: Integration of sensory information in reconstructed,
type identified alpha-motoneurons (computer model), under the
supervision of Prof. Aharon Lev-Tov.
assistant of prof. Aharon Lev-Tov, the head of Motor Control laboratory,
the department of Anatomy and cell Biology, Hadassah medical school, Jerusalem, Israel.
D.Sc. in Medical Sciences (1994), The Technion -Israel institute of technology, Haifa, Israel. The faculty of medicine, the
department of Biophysics and physiology. Thesis subject: Mechanism
by which cytotoxic T lymphocyte kill tumor target cells (EL4) -
electrophysiological findings Under the supervision of Prof. Ido
Perlman and Prof. Ofer Binah.
now working at The Open University, Tel-Aviv, Israel
now working at The Open University, Tel-Aviv, Israel
coordinator of the courses:
Nerve Cells - Introduction to Neurobiology
(since 1994)

General Biology (since 2001)

Symmetry in biology (since 2003)

Biology of aging (since 2004)

Ionic channels (since 2004)

in the developing and rewriting of courses:
Human Physiology (1994-1999)

General Biology (1999-2001)

Cell Biology: Structure and Function (2003-2004)

Nerve Cells (Design, writing and production 1996-1997)

The Biological Foundations of Behavior (Scientific consultant1997-1998)

Synaptic quantal release (at work)

and articles:
1) Lev-Tov, A., Tal, M.,
Lavy, R., Diverse firing properties of single motor units in the inner and
outer portions of the guinea pig
anterior digastric muscle. Arch. Oral. Biol. 38(2):169-178,

Lavy, R., Mika, Y.H., Rosen, D., Berke, G., Binah, O.: The
lytic reaction of in-vivo primed peritoneal exudate CTL: Induction of high-conductance
single channels in the target cell membrane. J. Immunol. 154: 5039-5048, 1995.

Felzen, B., Lavy, R., Berke, G., Gardner, P., Binah, O.,: The
cytocidal interaction between cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) and Guinea pig ventricular myocytes:
pharmacological modulation by blocking K current in the CTL.
Circulation research, 78: 253-261, 1996.

Lavy, R. Hasson, U. Multimedia
Presentations in Neuroscience
teaching. ITHET-2000 papers book.

Sarah Weissenberg and Revital Lavy :Pressure-Volume Curve and
Compliance of a Balloon: a Simulation Advan. Physiol. Edu. 27:
244-245, 2003; 10.1152/advan.00021.2003

1) Lavy, R., Lev-Tov,
A., A conductance to voltage relation in Ia synapses of type-identified
·-motoneurons, Soc. of Neurosci. Abs.12:386,1986.

Lev-Tov, A., Tal, M., Lavy, R., Single unit activity during rhythmical jaw movements, Soc.
of Neurosci. Abs. 14:1237, 1988.

Lev-Tov, A., Pinco, M., Lavy, R., Long term depression of excitatory synaptic transmission in the
neonatal rat spinal cord, Soc. of Neurotics. Abs. 16:1015, 1990.

Lavy, R., Berke, G., Rosen, D., Binah, O.,: Electrophysiological
studies of cytocidal mechanisms whereby cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL)
destroy target cells. EMBO workshop on cell-mediated cytotoxicity,
abstract book, p.55, 1993.

Binah, O., Lavy R., Berke, G., : Induction of high-conductance
channels in the course of FAS-based perforin-independent lymphocytotoxicity.
9th International congress of immunology abstracts book, p. 452, 1995.

Lavy, R., Wengier, N.,
Kimchi, B., Ben-Yaacov, R.: Multimedia presentation in teaching
Biology, AACE association for the advancement of computing in
education, Ed-Media conference, Session #320, 1997.

Lavy R.: Multimedia Presentations in neuroscience
Teaching, TELE, Technology
in Learning Environments, Euro-Med Conference in Israel, p. 36.

CD- rom (educational software):
Lavy R., Multimedia
presentation “nerve cells”. The Open University of Israel, 1997.
