Dr. Elazar Birnbaum

Updated: August 2007



Telephone Tel: 972-9-778-1257
Home: 972-4-6850321
Fax Fax: 972-9-778-2605
Home Fax: 972-4-6850323
Email E-mail: elazar@openu.ac.il



1989 B.Sc. (cum laude), Computer Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

M.Sc. (cum laude), Computer Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Thesis: Counting Propositional Models.
Advisor: Prof. Eliezer Lozinskii


Ph.D., Computer Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Research areas: Logic Databases, Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms, Complexity.

Dissertation: A Study of Inconsistent Knowledge Systems (in the Framework of Automated Inference).
Advisor: Prof. Eliezer Lozinskii


Teaching Experience

1989 - 1991 Teacher, Lifshitz College of Education, Jerusalem
1990 - 1991 Instructor, Computer Science Department, The Open University of Israel
1990 - 1996 Teaching Assistant, Computer Science Department, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem
1997 - 1998 Lecturer, Computer Science Department, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem
2001 Lecturer, Computer Science Department, The Jordan Valley College
1995 - Lecturer, Computer Science Department, Hadassah College, Jerusalem


Additional Experience

1991 - Teaching Coordinator and Course Developer, Computer Science Department, The Open University
2004 - Head, Projects Committee, Computer Science Department, Hadassah College



A. Ginzburg, J. Bar-Ilan and E. Birnbaum (1992). Study guide: Algorithms and Complexity, The Open University of Israel (Hebrew).
A. Ginzburg, M. Avigal and E. Birnbaum (1993). Study guide: Error-Correcting Codes, The Open University of Israel (Hebrew).
E. Birnbaum (1995). Study guide: Computability and Introduction to Complexity, The Open University of Israel (updated, Hebrew).
E. Birnbaum and E.L. Lozinskii (1999). The good old Davis-Putnam procedure helps counting models, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 10, 457-477.
E. Birnbaum and E.L. Lozinskii (2003). Consistent subsets of inconsistent systems, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 15, 25-46.
