David H. Lorenz
Assistant Professor

College of Computer Science, Northeastern University
360 Huntington Avenue #328WVH,
Boston, MA 02115
Internet: [email protected]
Phone: (617) 373-2076 / Fax: (617) 373-5121

[teaching | research | papers | projects | links | ftp | colloquia | personal ]

Now at the Open University


CSU 370 : Object-Oriented Design

CSG 110 : Managing Software Development

CSG 270 : Methods of Software Development

CSG 864 : Ph.D. Reading & Research in Computer Science

COM 3351 : Programming Languages

COM 3230 : Object-Oriented Programming

COM 3240 : Component-Based Programming (new course)

COM 1204 : Object-Oriented Design

COM 1777 : Honors Adjunct: Java Patterns

COM 1830 : Project Search Components

COM 3800 : Readings: Component Software, Beyond Object-Oriented Programming

COM 1805 : Readings: Self-Certifiable Components


Concepts of software components, with special interest in component-based design (particularly JavaBeans technology), reflection, and OOP, AOP, and COP language concepts, e.g., environmental acquisition, aspectual polymorphism, and aspectual reflection. OO design patterns and tilings. OO program visualization, interaction patterns, interaction schemata. component visual builders, and adaptive components.
See also list of recent publications.

Professional service
PC member of FOAL'05, Chicago, IL.
PC member of Aspect Orientation for Middleware Development (AOMD'05), Grenoble, France.
PC member of 3rd International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development, (AOSD 2004), Lancaster, England.
Organizing Committee of ECOOP'03 as Posters and Demonstrations Co-Chair.
Co-organizer and PC member of AOSD'05 Workshop on Aspects, Components, and Patterns for Infrastructure Software, Chicago, IL.
Co-organizer and PC member of AOSD'04 Workshop on Aspects, Components, and Patterns for Infrastructure Software, Lancaster, UK.
Co-organizer and PC member of AOSD'03 Workshop on Aspects, Components, and Patterns for Infrastructure Software, Boston, Massachusetts.
Co-organizer and PC member of AOSD'02 Workshop on Aspects, Components, and Patterns for Infrastructure Software, Enschede, The Netherlands.
Co-organizer of the First COOL (Comprehensive Object-Oriented Learning) International Exchange Workshop, Boston, Massachusetts.
Co-chair and PC member of OOPSLA'01 Workshop on Language Mechanisms for Programming Software Components, Tampa Bay, Florida.
PC member of 5th Annual International Conference on Object-Oriented and Internet-based Technologies, Concepts, and Applications for a Networked World (NODe 2004), Thuringia, Germany.
PC member of 4th Annual International Conference on Object-Oriented and Internet-based Technologies, Concepts, and Applications for a Networked World (NODe 2003), Thuringia, Germany.
PC member of 3rd Annual International Conference on Object-Oriented and Internet-based Technologies, Concepts, and Applications for a Networked World (NODe 2002), Thuringia, Germany.
PC member of TOOLS Europe 2000 (Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems), Mont Saint-Michel, Normandy, France.
PC member of CSSE'2000 (Computer Systems and Software Engineering), Tel-Aviv, Israel. Cancelled.
PC member of TOOLS Europe 2001 (Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems), Fribourg, Switzerland.
Member of Editorial Board of International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making.
North America Coordinator for the COOL project.

Professional organizations
Member of the ACM, and

  • SIGPLAN (Special Interest Group on Programming Languages)
  • SIGSOFT (Special Interest Group on Software Engineering)
  • SIGAda (Special Interest Group on Ada)

  • Member of the IEEE, and
  • IEEE Computer Society (Professional Association of People in Computing)
  • IEEE Boston GOLD (Graduates of the Last Decade)

  • Member of the AAUP

    Acknowledgment of Support