OUI's representatives took part to the International Week organized by the Open University of Cyprus

OUI's representatives took part to the International Week organized by the Open University of Cyprus

In the framework of the Erasmus mobility agreement between the Open University of Israel and the Open University of Cyprus, Rami Inbar, Chief Data Officer of the Open University and Mary Katsman, Study Advisor, flew to Cyprus to take part to the International Week organized by our partners.

Prof. Judith Gal-Ezer, a senior faculty member in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

at the Open University, was appointed the head of the ACM Europe Education Committee - The Association for Commuting Machinery - ACM is an international professional organization dedicated to promoting the field of computing. Founded in 1947, ACM is the world's largest educational and scientific computing society, serving computing professionals and students worldwide.

Microsoft Event -Fifty Computer Science students at the Open University participated to a technology workshop

Fifty Computer Science students at the Open University participated to a technology workshop for developing cloud and network applications, held in cooperation with Microsoft Israel. The project was led by Dr. Shir Landau-Faibish, a senior faculty member in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Open University, and Nadav Benno, the workshop's teaching coordinator.