
1. Nitzan K, Frenkel D, Parker M, Doron R (2023) Editorial: Alzheimer-Related Affective Symptoms -Mechanism and Treatment, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience ( IF 5.7)

2. Shamir A, Dabbah-Assadi, Rashid Sally; Golani I, Rubinstein A, Doron, R, Alon D, Palzur E, Beloosesky R (2022) Long-Term Effects of prophylactic MgSO 4 in Maternal Immune Activation Rodent Model at Adolescence and Adulthood, Journal of Neuroscience Research (IF 4.43)

3. Nitzan K, Ellenbogen L, Bentulila Z, David D, Franko M, Break E, Zoharetz M, Shamir A, SarneY, Doron R (2022) An ultra-low dose of ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol alleviates Alzheimer’s disease-related cognitive impairments and modulates TrkB receptor expression in 5XFAD mouse model, International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IF 6.2) Q1

4. Nitzan K, Parker M, Shamir A, Chen G and Doron R ( 2022) Editorial of 'The Burden of Stress and Depression – New Insight into Faster and Efficient Treatment, Frontiers In Behavioral Neuroscience (IF 3.558) Q1

5. Clay J., Fontana B, Proserpio C, Fernandez E, Pagliarini E, Lopes F, López-Moreno J, Canales J, Loyant L, Doron R, Stafford L, Parker M (2022) Drinking During Social Isolation: Investigating Associations Between, Stress, Inhibitory Control, Boredom, Drinking Motives and Alcohol Use, Addiction Research & Theory. ( IF 3.0)

6. *Avraham E ,Sacher Y, Maaravi Hesseg R, Karni A, Doron R ( 2022) Skill learning by observation –training patients after traumatic brain injury , Frontiers Human Neuroscience (IF 3.2)

7. *Nitzan K, David D, Franko M, Toledano R, Fidelman S,Simchon Y, Blonder M, Armoza S, Shamir A, Rehavi M, Ben-chaim Y, Doron R. (2022) Shan Zha (Crataegus pinnatifida): A novel treatment for anxiety and depression, Translational Psychiatry, (IF 7.25) Q1

8. *Shlomi S, Toledano R, Shahaf S, Nitzan K, Frenkel D, Doron R (2022) Imbalance in Sirt1 alternative splicing in response to chronic stress during the adolescence period. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IF 6.2) Q1

9. *Burstein, O., Simon, N., Simchon-Tenenbaum, Y., Rehavi, M., Franko, M., Shamir, A., & Doron, R. (2021). Moderation of the transgenerational transference of antenatal stress-induced anxiety. Translational Psychiatry, 11(1), 1–10. (IF 7.2) Q1

10. *Gilboa, D., Seidman, L., Kimiagarov, P., Noni, A., Doron, R., & Seidman, D. S. (2021). Why do women choose to undergo oocyte aspiration without sedation or analgesia? Reproduction and Fertility, 2(2), 89–94. (IF 3.94)

11. *Nitzan, K., Toledano, R., Shapira, S., Arber, N., & Doron, R. (2021). Behavioral Characterizing of CD24 Knockout Mouse—Cognitive and Emotional Alternations. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 11(2), 105. (IF 5.07) Q1

12. *Burstein, O., Shamir, A., Abramovitz, N., & Doron, R. (2021). Patients’ attitudes toward conventional and herbal treatments for depression and anxiety: A cross-sectional Israeli survey. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 0020764021992385. (IF 10.46) Q1

13. *Alteba, S., Mizrachi Zer-Aviv, T., Tenenhaus, A., Ben David, G., Adelman, J., Hillard, C. J., Doron, R., & Akirav, I. (2020). Antidepressant-like effects of URB597 and JZL184 in male and female rats exposed to early life stress. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 39, 70–86. (IF 4.6) Q1, Cit 8

14. *Doron, R., Versano, Z., Burstein, O., Franko, M., Shamir, A., Toledano, R., Handelsman, A., & Rehavi, M. (2019). Cerebral MAO Activity Is Not Altered by a Novel Herbal Antidepressant Treatment. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 69(3), 371–379. (IF3.12) Q1, Cit 4

15. *Dabbah-Assadi, F., Alon, D., Golani, I., Doron, R., Kremer, I., Beloosesky, R., & Shamir, A. (2019). The influence of immune activation at early vs late gestation on fetal NRG1-ErbB4 expression and behavior in juvenile and adult mice offspring. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 79, 207–215. (IF 6.514) Q1, Cit 11

16. *Burstein, O., & Doron, R. (2018). The Unpredictable Chronic Mild Stress Protocol for Inducing Anhedonia in Mice. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 140, 58184. (IF 1.19) Q2, Cit 22

17. *Doron, R., Sever, A., Handelsman, A., Toledano, R., Franko, M., Hirshler, Y., Shamir, A., Burstein, O., & Rehavi, M. (2018). GABAA Receptor Density Is Not Altered by a Novel Herbal Anxiolytic Treatment. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 65(1), 110–117. (IF2.29) Q1, Cit 4

18. *Burstein, O*., Shoshan, N., Doron, R*., & Akirav, I*. (2018). Cannabinoids prevent depressive-like symptoms and alterations in BDNF expression in a rat model of PTSD. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 84, 129–139.
*Equal contribution. (IF 4.8) Q1, Cit38

19. *Sarne, Y., Toledano, R., Rachmany, L., Sasson, E., & Doron, R. (2018). Reversal of age-related cognitive impairments in mice by an extremely low dose of tetrahydrocannabinol. Neurobiology of Aging, 61, 177–186. (IF 5.1) Q1, Cit 36

20. *Burstein, O., Franko, M., Gale, E., Handelsman, A., Barak, S., Motsan, S., Shamir, A., Toledano, R., Simhon, O., Hirshler, Y., Chen, G., & Doron, R. (2017). Escitalopram and NHT normalized stress-induced anhedonia and molecular neuroadaptations in a mouse model of depression. PLOS ONE, 12(11), e0188043. (IF 3.54) Q1, Cit 31

21. *Tadmor, H., Golani, I., Doron, R., Kremer, I., & Shamir, A. (2018). ErbB signaling antagonist ameliorates behavioral deficit induced by phencyclidine (PCP) in mice, without affecting metabolic syndrome markers. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 82, 322–331. (IF 4.41) Q1, Cit 5

22. *Hirshler, Y., & Doron, R. (2017). Neuroplasticity-related mechanisms underlying the antidepressant-like effects of traditional herbal medicines. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 27(10), 945–958. (IF 4.25) Q1, Cit 5

23. Avitsur, R., Paley, S., Franko, M., Wolff, N., Eyal, N., & Doron, R. (2017). Escitalopram or novel herbal treatments differentially alter cytokine and behavioral responses to immune challenge. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 309, 111–118. (IF 2.65) Q2, Cit 2

24. Wu, R., Tao, W., Zhang, H., Xue, W., Zou, Z., Wu, H., Cai, B., Doron, R., & Chen, G. (2016). Instant and Persistent Antidepressant Response of Gardenia Yellow Pigment Is Associated with Acute Protein Synthesis and Delayed Upregulation of BDNF Expression in the Hippocampus. ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 7(8), 1068–1076. (IF 4.362) Q1, Cit 20

25. Xia, B., Zhang, H., Xue, W., Tao, W., Chen, C., Wu, R., Ren, L., Tang, J., Wu, H., Cai, B., Doron, R., & Chen, G. (2016). Instant and Lasting Down-Regulation of NR1 Expression in the Hippocampus is Associated Temporally with Antidepressant Activity After Acute Yueju. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 36(7), 1189–1196. (IF 2.9) Q1, Cit 16

26. Yankelevitch-Yahav, R., Franko, M., Huly, A., & Doron, R. (2015). The Forced Swim Test as a Model of Depressive-like Behavior. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 97, 52587. (IF 1.52) Q3, Cit 407

27. Doron, R., Lotan, D., Versano, Z., Benatav, L., Franko, M., Armoza, S., Kately, N., & Rehavi, M. (2014). Escitalopram or novel herbal mixture treatments during or following exposure to stress reduce anxiety-like behavior through corticosterone and BDNF modifications. PloS One, 9(4), e91455. (IF 3.73) Q1, Cit 36

28. Doron, R., Lotan, D., Einat, N., Yaffe, R., Winer, A., Marom, I., Meron, G., Kately, N., & Rehavi, M. (2014). A novel herbal treatment reduces depressive-like behaviors and increases BDNF levels in the brain of stressed mice. Life Sciences, 94(2), 151–157. (IF 2.704) Q1, Cit 40

29. Yadid, G., Redlus, L., Barnea, R., & Doron, R. (2012). Modulation of Mood States as a Major Factor in Relapse to Substance Use. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 5, 81. (IF 4.52) Q2, Cit 8

30. Doron, R., Lotan, D., Rak-Rabl, A., Raskin-Ramot, A., Lavi, K., & Rehavi, M. (2012). Anxiolytic effects of a novel herbal treatment in mice models of anxiety. Life Sciences, 90(25–26), 995–1000. (IF 2.704) Q1, Cit 24

31. Doron, R., Fridman, L., Gispan-Herman, I., Maayan, R., Weizman, A., & Yadid, G. (2006). DHEA, a Neurosteroid, Decreases Cocaine Self-Administration and Reinstatement of Cocaine-Seeking Behavior in Rats. Neuropsychopharmacology, 31(10), 2231–2236. (IF 6.82) Q1, Cit 39

32. Doron, R., Fridman, L., & Yadid, G. (2006). Dopamine-2 receptors in the arcuate nucleus modulate cocaine-seeking behavior. NeuroReport, 17(15), 1633–1636. (IF 2.46) Q2, Cit 25

33. Maayan, R., Lotan, S., Doron, R., Shabat-Simon, M., Gispan-Herman, I., Weizman, A., & Yadid, G. (2006). Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) attenuates cocaine-seeking behavior in the self-administration model in rats. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 16(5), 329–339. (IF 4.29) Q1, Cit 34

34. Ayalon, L., Doron, R., Weiner, I., & Joel, D. (2004). Amelioration of behavioral deficits in a rat model of Huntington’s disease by an excitotoxic lesion to the globus pallidus. Experimental Neurology, 186(1), 46–58. (IF 4.544) Q1, Cit 46

Other Articles (without peer review)

1. *Nitzan K, Ellenbogen L, Bnniamin T, Sarne Y, Doron R. (2021) An ultra- low dpse of Δ9 tetrahydrocannabinol improves Alzheimer’s disease related cognitive deficits. BioRxiv, doi:

Open University Books

1. *Doron, R. Scientific Editor and the head development team of the Hebrew edition: Physiology of behavior twelfth edition (part B), Neil Carlson (2020), The Open University of Israel (Hebrew).

2. *Doron, R. Scientific Editor and the head development team of the Hebrew edition: Physiology of behavior twelfth edition (part A), Neil Carlson (2019), The Open University of Israel (Hebrew).

3. Doron, R. Scientific Editor of the Hebrew edition: Physiology of behavior, ninth edition (part B), Neil Carlson (2008), The Open University of Israel (Hebrew).

4. Doron, R. Scientific Editor of the Hebrew edition: Physiology of behavior, ninth edition, Neil Carlson (part B), Neil Carlson (2010), The Open University of Israel (Hebrew).