Dr. Shir Landau Feibish

Discipline: Computer Science

Expert in: Computer Networks

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Key words: network monitoring and management, programmable networks, network security, streaming algorithms.  

What are you currently researching?
I am working on building tools for network monitoring by tailoring streaming methods to the computational model and constraints of programmable network devices.    

How did you become involved in your research field?
Before starting my PhD, I looked for a field that would combine theory and practice. The area of computer networks exactly represents this combination.      

What inspired you to become a researcher?
There are endless challenges in making the Internet work continuously, for everyone, everywhere. Through my research, I wish to find ways to make the Internet more reliable and secure, as well as more flexible to the changing needs of society.  

Which of your research findings would you like to highlight?
I am really excited about all of the work my students and I are currently engaged in. We are finding innovative ways to detect and solve problems right inside the network.

How does your research link to the challenges of today?
The Internet has become one of the most fundamental infrastructures in the world, used by us all every day. It has become such a basic necessity, that some compare it to running water and electricity.
What excites you regarding your research field?
Programmable network devices are quite constrained in regards to resources and processing capabilities. Nonetheless, we are able to do things that were not previously possible inside the network, even in this confined environment.