Who's Afraid of Numbers

Who's Afraid of Numbers

Who's Afraid of Numbers is one of the first courses to tackle the barriers to entry into the digital world, to lift the veil of mystery surrounding concepts such as functions, algorithms and correlations and to provide the readers with an opportunity to engage with data in a way that is challenging yet meaningful and empowering. Step by step the students are taken on a journey where mathematical tools and computational skills are interleaved in order to explore humanistic questions from diverse fields such as art, history and literature. The course rests on three essential and inter-dependent pillars: mathematics, computation and humanistic interpretation.

Words to Count: First Steps in Computational Literary Studies

Words to Count: First Steps in Computational Literary Studies

Words to Count: First Steps in Computational Literary Studies connects between the computing and humanities, fields of study that are usually seen as opposing or contradicting one another. The course reflects on both the theoretical and the ethical questions raised by this connection, dealing also with the practical tools enabling computational literary studies. We ask the theoretical questions of “why?”, as well as the practical questions of “how?”, and “how many?”, to create a computational-humanistic reflection on different texts, and on our own premises in the humanities. The course also includes a discussion of some of the foundational articles in the field, being published for the first time in Hebrew translation as part of the course materials.