fall 2013

From the Supreme Court to the Open University
OUI's New Chancellor

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The University and the Law: Integrally Intertwined

Dorit Beinisch sees comparable ideals between the legal world and academia, in particular the Open University of Israel.

"The similarity between the legal world, where I come from, and the University is the desire and certainly the ability to contribute, and to impact on Israeli society. The desire to emphasize those elements which are common to us, the value of equality in education, the openness and accessibility to knowledge and higher education for every person in Israel. Open University of Israel graduates are a mosaic representative of society's beautiful features. There are no divisions between ethnic sectors, genders, ages, backgrounds. Secular Jews, ultra-orthodox Jews, Moslem Arabs and Christian Arabs, Druze, outstanding high school students and those who have just completed their studies, post-IDF soldiers, alongside students who are beginning their families. No one sector is excluded; exclusion threatens the wholeness of society and endangers its democratic character."

"We are in the habit of complaining that Israeli society is divided, split, is contentious. This is true and disturbing. Our goal is to uncover that which unites us, and nurture understanding and patience to illuminate the ideals which bind this society."

"At the University we see the beauty of our complex society, the beauty of pluralism, and particularly the importance of accessibility and equality in higher education for everyone. At the University one is exposed to learning for learning's sake, to expanding horizons and to receiving tools that can be used no matter which path in life one chooses."

I repeat my "I believe" every opportunity I get. I talk about the importance and centrality of education within Israeli society and with every individual in society as much as I talk about the essential need to defend man's basic rights, and his dignity so as to build a better and more just society."

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