fall 2013

From the Supreme Court to the Open University
OUI's New Chancellor

...continued from previous page.

A Better Society

"Our desire to improve the landscape of Israeli society must be based on two fundamental blocks integrally intertwined. First, we must invest in improving and encouraging education and culture; educating about values, educating towards achievements in humanities and sciences, instilling knowledge and cultivating common values among all sectors of society. Second, we must support the laws and the courts to protect human rights and dignity, and to support the rule of law."

"The blending of these two paths as one is the surest guarantee of our continued existence as one society. Education is the key that can unlock everyone's chances to live better in this world, to be a better citizen and realize his aspirations. Law is the armor that defends man and his rights enabling him to sustain a law-abiding society, to guarantee the individual's right to fulfill the realization of education, the freedom to create and the right to equality while concomitantly ensuring one's dignity."

The University: Advancing Women

The Open University has a female president, a female vice-president and most of the deans are female. Are you proud to be part of this institution that is clearly advancing women?

"I think that this is important, and as time goes on, it will become more natural. Once, there was talk of "a woman's seat" in the Supreme Court. We have arrived. Today, it is, in my opinion, irrelevant whether it is a man or a woman sitting in the judge's seat. A female or male judge is now 'judged' as to his/her abilities and competencies.

"But there are places, also in the academic world, where it is much harder for women to be accepted. Sometimes when you visit many of the respected academic institutions, you see few women. I hope that a change is taking place in the academic world as well. The Rector of the Hebrew University was a woman, as was the Rector of Tel Aviv University, and Ben Gurion University has a female President. As does the Open University. But, the measurement should not only be if it is a woman who rises to the top of the pyramid, but rather the roles that women have in the faculty, and with this too, I am seeing a change."

Dorit Beinisch is aiming to take an active role -- a role not unfamiliar to her -- in helping to change the face of Israel's academic world and therefore impacting on Israeli society. Serving as Chancellor of the Open University of Israel is a good springboard.

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