שם הקרן

תחום מחקר

תאריך הגשה

חוקרי וחוקרות האו"פ בוקר טוב,
ראו להלן קול קורא מטעם משרד המדע לשיתוף פעולה בין ישראל להונגריה לשנת 2025.

Hungarian - Israeli Scientific Research Program
For 2025-2027

Within the framework of the Hungarian-Israel agreement on scientific cooperation, the National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary (NRDI), and the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology of the State of Israel (MOST) have decided to provide financial support and are glad to invite researchers and scientists to submit joint proposals for research projects carried out jointly by researchers from both countries. 
The aim of this program is to support the development of scientific and technological cooperation between Hungarian and Israeli researchers and to strengthen the scientific partnership between research groups from both countries, by establishing bilateral research networks, enhancing research cooperation and promoting the exchange of knowledge between Hungarian and Israeli scientists.
The joint research shall focus on one of the main areas of cooperation and its subtopics as detailed in Section A and concentrate on applied research which could lead to technological applicability and the development of new products (Technology Readiness Level [TRL] 2-4).
Qualifying scientific applicants in this framework may receive research grants from NRDI and MOST, respectively, according to the applicable national funding procedures, regulations, and the requirements as detailed in this Call. 

Hungarian-Israeli research teams are hereby invited to submit joint proposals for applied research projects in any of the following areas:
1. Supporting preventive, curative and care systems to maintain healthy living within the focus area for the following topic areas:
a) innovation in healthy living and disease prevention,
b) improving the quality of life in old age,
c) innovative diagnostic and curative interventions and therapies (drug discovery, immunology, development of medical devices and instruments).
2. Supporting the green transition and the development of a circular economy within the focus area for the following topic areas:
a) agricultural innovation and water management, efficient protection against natural disasters and extreme weather conditions,
b) increasing energy efficiency, accelerating the transition to clean energy, exploitation of indigenous energy sources,
c) sustainable and smart mobility.
3. Supporting the digital transition of the economy and society within the focus area for the following topic areas:
a) artificial intelligence, quantum technology,
b) smart grids, autonomous systems

a) Deadline for researchers' submissions: The PI must pre-submit the proposal in English via the Science Forefront system by 30/10/2024 at 15:00 local time (Israel). The online system will be closed for submissions after the said date and hour and no submissions will be accepted after that time. Israeli researchers who have not submitted their proposals by 30/10/2024 at 15:00 local time (Israel) will not be allowed to submit their proposal.
b) A proposal that has been submitted can be edited by the PI, in coordination with the Affiliated Institution, until the final joint submission deadline.
c) The Affiliated Institution must submit the proposal not later than by the final deadline on 6/11/2024 at 15:00 local time (Israel time). Proposals that are not submitted by the Affiliated Institution through the Science Forefront system by this time, will not be accepted. 

צוות רשות המחקר עומד לרשותכם ולרשותכן.  
למידע נוסף וסיוע בהגשה פנו אל איריס, 09-7781133, iristal@openu.ac.il


 הגשת בקשה  |  אתר הקרן  |  הנחיות להגשת הבקשה 

להלן קול קורא להגשת הצעות מחקר וציוד לקרן פזי לשנים 2026-2029 בשת"פ עם חוקרים במרכזי הוא"א (הקריה למחקר גרעיני נגב ומרכז גרעיני שורק).
הקרן מבקשת לקבל הצעות בתחומים הנ"ל:
א. פיסיקה
ב. כימיה (כולל הנדסה כימית) ומדע החומרים
ג. הנדסה (הנדסת מכונות, הנדסת חשמל, הנדסת תוכנה, הנדסת אווירונאוטיקה(
הצעות בתחום המתמטיקה השימושית ניתן להגיש לקטגורית פיסיקה והצעות בתחום מדעי המחשב ניתן להגיש לקטגורית הנדסה.
במסגרת קרן פזי ניתנים מענקים בשלוש קטגוריות עיקריות:
א. מענקי מחקר בגובה של עד 350,000 ₪ לשנה (סה"כ עד 1,400,000 ₪), לתקופה של עד ארבע שנים, עם אפשרות להארכה בשנה נוספת ללא הגדלה תקציבית. בהצעות המחקר יש לציין האם מדובר בחדשנות מדעית או חדשנות טכנולוגית, למחקר בעל אופי יישומי. 
ב. מענקי מחקר מוגדלים, לחוקרים צעירים, בגובה של עד 700,000 ₪ לשנה (סה"כ עד 2,800,000 ₪), למחקר לתקופה של עד ארבע שנים, עם אפשרות להארכה בשנה נוספת ללא הגדלה תקציבית. המענק יוכל לשמש לרכש ציוד ולמלגות לסטודנטים/בתר-דוקטורט/עובדי מחקר וטכנאים. במסלול זה החלוקה בין התמיכה באקדמיה ובמרכז, גמישה. מידי שנה יוענקו עד שני מענקי מחקר ייחודי לחוקרים צעירים. חוקרים צעירים אשר נקלטו באקדמיה במהלך שלוש השנים שלפני מועד הגשת הצעות המחקר, רשאים לפנות למימון במסלול זה.
ג. מענקים לציוד, לצורך הקמת תשתית מדעית.
עזרה באיתור שותף בוא"א
חוקרים מהאקדמיה, שברצונם להגיש הצעה באחת מהפעילויות המפורטות בקול קורא זה ומעוניינים ביצירת קשר עם חוקר במרכז כשותף למחקר, מוזמנים לפנות לכתובת הדוא"ל של הקרן (pazi@iaec.gov.il)  . בפנייה יש להעביר תקציר, שלא יעלה על שני עמודים (באנגלית או בעברית), ויכלול את נושא המחקר, מטרות המחקר ופרטים ליצירת קשר (שם החוקר, מוסד אקדמי, כתובת דוא"ל ומספרי טלפון(.

|  אתר הקרן  |  הנחיות להגשת הבקשה 

The IIAS invites scholars from Israel and abroad to submit Research Group (RG) proposals for the 2026-2027 academic year. Research proposals may be submitted by initiator(s) affiliated with any academic institution in Israel or abroad. Proposals may cover any research topic from all disciplines including interdisciplinary research, and must seek to be innovative with potential impact on their research field.

The IIAS invites scholars from Israel and abroad to submit proposals for an individual fellowship at the IIAS for the 2026-2027 academic year. Topics may cover any research area from any discipline and must seek to be innovative, with the potential to impact research in the field. Two or three scholars who collaborate on the same project should apply individually and state clearly that they wish to work together.

|  אתר הקרן 

**** Deadline: anytime****

Research grants relevant to CMT4B3/ SBF1/ MTMR5
It’s advisable to contact the foundation before submitting a proposal

|  אתר הקרן 

 BSF-NSF Mathematics

Exact Sciences


רשימה של קולות קוראים פתוחים של ה NSF-BSF פתוחים לתקופה הקרובה:

Budget: 80,000$ per year for experimental research, 55,000$ for theoretical research for the Israeli partner

Budget: 80,000$ per year for experimental research, 55,000$ for theoretical research for the Israeli partner

Budget: 80,000$ per year for experimental research, 55,000$ for theoretical research for the Israeli partner

Budget: 80,000$ per year for experimental research, 55,000$ for theoretical research for the Israeli partner

Budget: 80,000$ per year for experimental research, 55,000$ for theoretical research for the Israeli partner

Deadlines: (BSF) 11.11.24, (NSF) 5.11.24
Budget: 80,000$ per year for experimental research, 55,000$ for theoretical research for the Israeli partner

Deadlines: (BSF) 11.11.24, (NSF) 5.11.24
Budget: 80,000$ per year for experimental research, 55,000$ for theoretical research for the Israeli partner

Deadlines: (BSF) 21.11.24, (NSF) 15.11.24
Budget: 80,000$ per year for experimental research, 55,000$ for theoretical research for the Israeli partner

Deadlines: (BSF) 9.12.24, (NSF) 2.12.24
Budget: 80,000$ per year for experimental research, 55,000$ for theoretical research for the Israeli partner

Deadlines: (BSF) 22.12.24, (NSF) 16.12.24
Budget: 80,000$ per year for experimental research, 55,000$ for theoretical research for the Israeli partner

צוות רשות המחקר עומד לרשותכם ולרשותכן.  
למידע וסיוע בהגשה פנו אל איריס, 09-7781133,  iristal@openu.ac.il

|  אתר הקרן 

 Quarterly overview of NSF-BSF programs

All research areas


BSF is pleased to announce the addition of two new cross directorate programs to the NSF-BSF partnership. 

1. Computational and Data-enabled Science and Engineering (CDS&E) for more information about this opportunity please read the call for proposal here.
2. Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI). For more information about this opportunity please read the call for proposal here.
Please note that the Computational Neuroscience (CRCNS) program, has announced its new deadline. Deadline for applications by the U.S. partner to the NSF is March 7, 2024 and by the Israeli Partner to the BSF is March 13, 2024. Call for proposals can be found here.
These following NSF-BSF programs have deadlines as specified:
Directorate of Geosciences:
NSF-BSF programs in Ocean Technology and Interdisciplinary Coordination. Deadline for applications by the U.S. partner to the NSF is February 15, 2024 and by the Israeli Partner to the BSF is February 21, 2024. Call for proposals can be found here.
NSF-BSF programs in Physical Oceanography; Chemical Oceanography. Deadline for applications by the U.S. partner to the NSF is February 15, 2024 and by the Israeli Partner to the BSF is February 21, 2024. Call for proposals can be found here.
Directorate of Biological Sciences:
NSF-BSF program in Enabling Discovery through Genomics (IOS-EDGE). Deadline for application by the U.S. partner to the NSF is February 15, 2024 and by the Israeli partner to the BSF is February 21, 2024. Call for Proposals can be found here
Directorate of Social, Behavioral and Economics Sciences:

NSF-BSF programs in Social Psychology. Deadline for applications by the U.S. partner to the NSF is Jan. 16, 2024 and by the Israeli Partner to the BSF is Jan. 22, 2024. Call for proposals can be found here.
NSF-BSF programs in Developmental Sciences. Deadline for applications by the U.S. partner to the NSF is Jan. 30, 2024 and by the Israeli Partner to the BSF is Feb. 5, 2024. Call for proposals can be found here.
NSF-BSF programs in Economics and Decision Sciences. Deadline for applications by the U.S. partner to the NSF is Jan. 18, 2024 and by the Israeli Partner to the BSF is Jan. 24, 2024. Call for proposals can be found here.
NSF-BSF programs in Science of Learning and Augmented Intelligence Program. Deadline for applications by the U.S. partner to the NSF is Feb. 14, 2024 and by the Israeli Partner to the BSF is Feb. 20, 2024  . Call for proposals can be found here.
NSF-BSF programs in Perception, Action and Cognition. Deadline for applications by the U.S. partner to the NSF is Feb. 1, 2024 and by the Israeli Partner to the BSF is Feb. 7, 2024. Call for proposals can be found here.
NSF-BSF programs in Cognitive Neuroscience. Deadline for applications by the U.S. partner to the NSF is Feb. 1, 2024 and by the Israeli Partner to the BSF is Feb. 7, 2024. Call for proposals can be found here.
The following NSF-BSF programs have no deadlines and are open for submission throughout the year:
NSF-BSF programs in Computing and Communication Foundations (CCF) are open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here.
NSF-BSF programs in Computer and Network Systems (CNS) are open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here.
NSF-BSF programs in Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS) are open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here.
NSF-BSF programs in Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems (CBET) are open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here.
NSF-BSF programs in Materials are open to receive applications anytime throughout the year, Call for Proposals can be found here.
NSF-BSF program in Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS) is open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here.
NSF-BSF program in the Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) division is open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here.
NSF-BSF program in Earth Sciences is open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here.
NSF-BSF program in Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences is open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here.
NSF-BSF program in Cyber Security is open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here.
NSF-BSF program in Marine Geology and Geophysics is open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here.
NSF-BSF program in Biological Oceanography is open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here.
NSF-BSF program in Molecular and Cellular Biosciences (MCB) is open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here.
NSF-BSF program in Integrative Organismal Systems (IOS) is open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here.
NSF-BSF program in Environmental Biology (DEB) is open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here.
The Research Resources Cluster of the Division of Biological Infrastructure. Currently, NSF-BSF proposals are welcomed only in the bioinformatics tracks of the Innovation and in the Capacity program of this cluster. These programs accept proposal submission without a deadline. You can find more details in our call for proposals here
NSF-BSF program in Cyber-Physical Systems is open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here.
NSF-BSF program in Sociology is open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here.
NSF-BSF program in Mathematical Biology is open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here.
NSF-BSF program in Chemical Structure, Dynamics and Mechanism A is open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here.
NSF-BSF program in Chemical Theory, Models and Computational Methods is open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here.
NSF-BSF program in Chemistry of Life Processes is open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here.

צוות רשות המחקר עומד לרשותכם ולרשותכן.  
לסיוע בהגשה בתחום מדעי הרוח והחברה פנו אל גלית, 09-7781538, galitsh@openu.ac.il
לסיוע בהגשה בתחום המדעים המדויקים פנו אל איריס, 09-7781133, iristal@openu.ac.il

|  אתר הקרן 

NSF-BSF Program in Foundational Research in Robotics 
The Foundational Research in Robotics (Robotics) program supports research on robotic systems that exhibit significant levels of both computational capability and physical complexity.
The focus of the Robotics program is on foundational advances in robotics.
The size of the BSF grant to the Israeli is expected to be up to $80,000/year for  experimental programs and up to $55,000/year for theoretical or computer based 

NSF-BSF Program in Cyber-Physical Systems�(a CNS special program)�
The program in Computer and Network Systems (CNS) supports research activities that invent new computing and networking technologies and that explore new ways to make use of existing technologies. The program seeks to develop a better understanding of the fundamental properties of computer and network systems and to create better abstractions and tools for designing, building, analyzing, and measuring future systems.
The award amount for the Israeli applicant is capped at a maximum of $80,000 per year for experimental programs and up to $55,000 per year for theoretical or computer-based research.

|  אתר הקרן 

The Division of Biological Infrastructure (DBI) envisions a robust and resilient national 
infrastructure that advances fundamental biological research to transform our future. To 
realize this vision, DBI invests in the innovation and capacity-building of cutting-edge 
research infrastructure for fundamental biological science that includes human capital, 
technologies, institutes and centers, and mid-to-large scale facilities.

Currently, proposals are welcomed only to the bioinformatics and Cyberinfrastructure tracks of these DBI clusters:

The award amount for the Israeli applicant is capped at a maximum of $80,000 per year 
for experimental programs and up to $55,000 per year for theoretical or computer-based 

|  אתר הקרן 

 Colorectal Cancer Alliance

Life Sciences


**** Application is at anytime throughout the year****

PROJECT CURE CRC: 2024 Request for Proposals
1.     Early-Career Investigator Awards  (<5 yrs. From 1st position). Budget - 100,000$ per year for 2 year project
2.     Senior Investigator Awards. Budget - 1,000,000$ per year for 2 year project
3.     Pilot Awards. Budget - 100,000$ per year for 2 year project
4.     Team Science Awards. Budget - 2,000,000$ per year for 3 year project

|  אתר הקרן 

•       Communications and Information Foundations (CIF)
•       Foundations of Emerging Technologies (FET)
•       Software and Hardware Foundations (SHF)

Deadline: BSF up to7 days after NSF submission, NSF Anytime  
Budget: 80,000$ per year for experimental research, 55,000$ per year for theoretical esearch

NSF-BSF Program in Computer Networks and Systems (CNS):�•� � � �CNS Core�
•       Cyber-Physical Systems program (CPS)

Deadline: BSF up to7 days after NSF submission, NSF Anytime  
Budget: 80,000$ per year for experimental research, 55,000$ per year for theoretical esearch

NSF-BSF Program in Materials (DMR):�• Biomaterials�
• Ceramics 
• Condensed Matter and Materials Theory 
• Condensed Matter Physics 
• Electronic and Photonic Materials 
• Metals and Metallic Nanostructures 
• Polymers 
• Solid State and Materials Chemistry 

Deadline: Anytime  
Budget: 80,000$ per year for experimental research, 55,000$ per year for theoretical esearch

|  אתר הקרן